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  1. G

    For Sale C+ DRG (IIC upgraded to C+)

    Selling my C+ DRG It’s a DRG IIC upgraded to C+. Mike B did the upgrade for me a few years ago. Feel free to hit me up with offers.
  2. G

    Mark Series Production Numbers for Mark I, IIA, IIB, IIC, IIC+ & III

    The text/ info below is from Ian Dickey's old website "The Boogie Files" (Ian's website could very well have been the impetus for the creation of this forum) ------ Mark Series Production Numbers for Mark I, IIA, IIB, IIC, IIC+ & III Mark I 1x12: A0001-A2999 = 2999 Mark I Mark I 1x15: B001 -...
  3. G

    FS EV-12L's and MS-12's

    I've got a few EV-12L's and a few MS-12's to sell. If you need multiples of either I'm happy to sell more than one to the same person. The EV's are OEM meaning there's no Mesa "Black Shadow" label on them. Pretty much what we've all seen for the majority of the EV's in Mesa's amp and cabs over...
  4. G

    DC-5 Head mounting screw location?

    I need to confirm the distance of the back mounting screws on a DC-5 head This is for the two screws closest to the back of the amp. I'm looking to see how far in they are from the back of the amp to the center of the mounting screw. I have two conflicting measurements so hopefully someone can...
  5. G

    FS Metal Grille 4x12 - Bottom cab - a rare one!

    Selling an original Metal Grille 4x12 - Bottom cab It's rare as is it has a large "Boogie" logo plate versus the commonly found "Mesa/ Boogie" logo plate. Quite honestly over the years I've only come across three or four 4x12's with a "Boogie" logo plate on them. The logo plate looks the same...
  6. G

    photobucket sucks!

    In case no one has noticed, as of last week there are many threads where the pics have been replaced with an image stating "please update your account to allow third party hosting" Without warning photobucket decided to not allow third party hosting Now they want everyone to pay $400/ year if...
  7. G

    GONE - Mark-IIC+ w/Rev and EQ - 60/100 (HRG) - X101 PT

    This C+ has been Sold. Forgot to list something special about this amp. It has the X101 PT!! (Added a bunch of pics) Mark-IIC+ w/Reverb and EQ - 60/100 (HRG) - Serial# 111xx It started out as a IIC. I sent into Mesa for the + upgrade shortly after I got it about 10 years ago. It's...
  8. G

    SOLD - Mesa Thiele - Empty (no speaker) or with a C90

    Mesa Thiele - Empty (no speaker) or with a C90 Up for Sale a Nice Mesa Thiele in Very Good condition. A couple of minor nicks in the tolex here and there. Otherwise she's in pretty good shape. $250 OBO plus shipping. Will include a Celestion C-90 Speaker for $310 plus shipping
  9. G

    SOLD 1978 Les Paul Custom Silverburst - Original owner

    1978 Les Paul Custom Silverburst It's Rare, saying this because only were 40 made in 1978. It's unique from later Silverbursts ('79 and on) as it has Witch Hat/ Reflector knobs. ('79 and on had Speed Knobs). Also there is no dot over the "i" in "Gibson" on the head stock. I bought it new in...
  10. G

    Can't send or reply to PMs? Anybody else?

    I get this error: "Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at [email protected] to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed...
  11. G

    Want some head?

    Yeah yeah so I'm a wise a** I just assembled these this past weekend. Three are spoken for (including one I'm making for myself! ;-) Anybody need/ want a head cab? If so I'll be devoting a fair amount of my time over the next couple of weeks finishing these off (as well as a couple of re-tolex...
  12. G

    Purple tolex Combo shell and Thiele FS - Both are gone/ SOLD

    I'm open to reasonable offers: Selling this combo shell I re-tolexed a couple of years back (It's the original combo shell that came with my MKIII Purple Stripe) Fwiw the grille was not re-done. (The "Boogie" logo has been taken off since the pics were shot and is not included). [/URL] Also...
  13. G

    Mark Series Head Cabs

    Hey guys, I've made many head cabs over the years and am grateful to all who have supported my efforts. I'm grateful to all who gave me the privilege of making them a cab. Grateful for those who have put their trust in me to make them something that would be of quality and would function as they...
  14. G

    And now for something completely different-a Widebody Thiele

    This is a Widebody Thiele. It's actually a real Thiele inside. The interior has the same specs as a Mesa Thiele. This Widebody Thiele cab was made longer/ wider by lengthening the top and bottom, the baffle, the grille, and back panel. An interior wall was put in to maintain the Thiele specs...
  15. G

    Considering entering the world of the DC (DC5 in particular)

    I'm considering entering the world of the DC with a DC5. Curious as to what to look for, the differences between the "a" and "b" versions etc. As many of you know I'm coming from the Mark series side of things. So any help/ insights with regard to how the DC series compares to the Mark series...
  16. G

    Mark IIC Long Head and 4x12 on ebay

    Anybody here been in contact with the seller and looking to buy this? If so I can help. He's 15 miles up the road from me.
  17. G

    Purple Levant (tolex) Thiele!

    Refurbished this one! For some reason I really like cabs in this color!
  18. G

    Sold - DRG original/real IIC+ Head

    It now has a new owner who I am sure will be quite pleased with it. Sold! - DRG original IIC+ head (a real one not an upgrade) D=Simul R=Reverb G=EQ $3650 It'll be in a new headshell with your choice of tolex and grille. Pics of the chassis to come. For other head cabs I've made search the...
  19. G

    Four heads are better than one

    Four heads are better than one. ;-) These are "fully loaded"; fans, reverb tanks, cables etc.... Just drop the chassis in, plug and play! These were finished last fall and all are now safely in their new homes
  20. G

    FS - 1x12 3/4 back cab Cover

    FS 1x12 3/4 back cab Cover It's made with the older style material (not the newer cordura material) In very good shape. I'll get pics up as soon as I can. $40 shipped/ paypal (gift)