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  1. T

    Mesa Mark IIB crackling/buzzing noise

    I bought brand new pre amp tubes, changed them all. Sill makes the noise. Oh and I did the whole re-tension thing and no go.
  2. T

    Mesa Mark IIB crackling/buzzing noise

    So I changed all the power tubes and it still makes the noise. Could it be the speaker?
  3. T

    Mesa Mark IIB crackling/buzzing noise

    I bought the amp second hand earlier this year so no idea how old the tubes are. It dosnt always make the sound but when its turned up and even a bit dirty it tends to make the sound. Ill try clean the tubes with contact cleaner and see if that works. Thanks guys!
  4. T

    Mesa Mark IIB crackling/buzzing noise

    Hey guys lately I have been noticing my amp makes a loud crackling noise when I let chords ring out. I have no idea what it is or how to fix it so if anyone has any idea please let me know. I have uploaded a couple recordings of the noise.
  5. T

    Mesa Mark IIB crackling/buzzing noise

    Hey guys lately I have been noticing my amp makes a loud crackling noise when I let chords ring out. I have no idea what it is or how to fix it so if anyone has any idea please let me know. I have uploaded a couple recordings of the noise.