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The Boogie Board

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  1. F


    Thanks Joey B.! I was aware of the location of the s/n but thanks for that. That's why, in the pic of the back of the chassis I strategically placed the speaker jack in one of the 4 ohms inputs instead of the 8 ohms input it normally resides in. Don't wanna go broadcasting the s/n all over the...
  2. F


    Apologies for not being patient. Now that I know this is forum, in which, most (if not all) people on it, are employed and aren't mouse-potatoes, I will act accordingly. I meant no disrespect, and I appreciate your input. The "amp sounding weak or anemic when the reverb is off" isn't the case...
  3. F


    No comments/suggestions? Did I register AND donate in error? :? Maybe I wasn't thorough enough in my description of my (what I believe to be original) MKI. Or I didn't ask any legitimate question. So here ya go: I did some visual investigating and here's what I came up with. The Power...
  4. F


    HI all, First off.....yep I'm a nOOb to this forum. So go easy on me guys. I just recently got my paws on what I believe to be a blonde tolex, with cloth speaker cover, 1977 MK1 that could have possibly been modified during it's some 33 years of life. I received it yesterday. first thing I...