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The Boogie Board

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  1. fullreleaseblake

    Dual Roadster head got wet!!!

    Thanks for the replys. I baby the hell out of this thing, and for something like this to happen is a punch in the gut. I'm going to take out the bare chassis tonight to see if there's any moisture visably present, take a hair dryer to it on low for a little while, then if there's no visible...
  2. fullreleaseblake

    Dual Roadster head got wet!!!

    Well, I got to my practice facility to pick up all of my bands equipment for a show that evening, and my drummer told me to go look inside and that I probably wasn't going to be happy with what I saw. I walked in to see my Dual Roadster head sitting on the floor with his fan blowing it off...
  3. fullreleaseblake

    Patch cable in the Effects Loop Send and Return?

    I recently had some issues with the Effects Loop Send and Return not working on my Roadster. When trouble shooting, the MESA Tech told me to use a patch cable between my send and return on the back of the head to isolate the problem to the head itself. It ended up being the V5 tube crapping...
  4. fullreleaseblake

    Roadster Effects Loop not working correctly

    Replaced the V5 tube and everything's working great now. Thanks for the help guys:) -Blake
  5. fullreleaseblake

    Roadster Effects Loop not working correctly

    Same results with the patch cable in the send & return loop. In fact, the "send level" knob does nothing at all as far as the volume level goes. I'm thinking it's a tube issue like what was said in the previous replys. To late to call MESA now, so I'll let'em know in the morning. How...
  6. fullreleaseblake

    Roadster Effects Loop not working correctly

    I recieved my Roadster amp at the begining of Sept., and the Effects Loop worked great at first. When I went to set it up at a show though it wouldn't work for me. When I run throught the effects loop and flip the switch to engage it, I get very little sound coming out of the amp. It doesn't...
  7. fullreleaseblake

    Volume setup for a Dual Rec Roadster

    Thanks for the advise guys. i'm heading to my practice room tomorrow night to rewire my cab so that I know I'm pushing 8ohms. Once that's done, I'll restart my quest for the holy grail of tone.
  8. fullreleaseblake

    Volume setup for a Dual Rec Roadster

    I just recently recieved a Dual Rec Roadster, and had some questions about the volume control on it. I've always heard that with tube amplifiers, they sound their best when the volume is 3/4 - maximum strength. With this head, each channel has its own master volume, as well as a single...