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  1. PlanarBeing

    20/20 Fan Noise: What a Nuisance!

    Now, that is really weird, isn't it -- the position of the standard fan in the 20/20? It's in the center of the 'box.' The tubes, located outside, at the back, get virtually no draught from that fan. So what's the 20/20 fan supposed to be cooling? I can see the sense in having a fan outside...
  2. PlanarBeing

    20/20 Fan Noise: What a Nuisance!

    Good to get verification from someone who's actually lived with, and used, one of these. If you just take the top of the amp off, you'll notice how the fan sounds quite different. I removed the 4 screws that hold it in place and verified that it's actually almost silent when held in the hand...
  3. PlanarBeing

    Removing Fan from 2:90

    I agree that the fans in rack-mounted units can be too noisy in certain situations. Developing a quiet cooling system is clearly not a priority for Mesa. I think the problem is that the fans run too fast, setting up resonance from excessive air turbulence and vibrations within the metal case...
  4. PlanarBeing

    20/20 Fan Noise: What a Nuisance!

    Why don't Mesa-Boogie build off/on switches into their fans, or speed controls? Because there are lots of things they don't do, as they're not required by most users.
  5. PlanarBeing

    20/20 Fan Noise: What a Nuisance!

    50/50's a different design. Twice the rack space, outside fan. Nothing to do with 20/20. This fan needs a rheostat wired into the circuit. It just runs too fast for the dimensions. Overkill.
  6. PlanarBeing

    20/20 Fan Noise: What a Nuisance!

    I just bought a Boogie 20/20 power amp and the tiny 5v/1w fan inside is driving me crazy. It resonates inside the box: when the top of the metal case is taken off, it's several decibels quieter; when I take the fan out and hold it in the air it just makes a soft whirring sound. But as soon as...