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  1. G

    Who is still feeling the love for their Roadking?

    The Roadking II was the first Mesa amp I ever owned. I loved the clean and low to mid-gain sounds on that amp but I'm primarly a metal/prog player who likes to play faster type stuff (think lots of palm muted rhythms and legato soloing). I never quite found a sweet spot for myself on that amp...
  2. G

    Trade Reborn Rectifier Diamondplate for Jute Grill Shell

    I have a reborn dual rectifier with the diamond-plate grill. I'd like to swap it for the jute grill but a new shell from Mesa costs around $300. So, if someone has a shell with the jute grill and would prefer the diamondplate one, I figure we can swap and make both sides happy. The condition...
  3. G

    Any Koch Amp Users Out There?

    Oh, don't worry. I'm not saying 5 channels is anything special. I was just trying my best Nigel Tufnel impersonation. :D Koch did take an interesting approach to the multi-channel amp with the Supernova. I know a lot of us Mesa guys complain that you can't footswitch between different...
  4. G

    Lonestar Special Class A Type Distortion?

    Well, I've never played the Lonestar special but the words 'creamy distortion' always makes me think of Mark I mode in channel 2. Try that with the gain low and see if that can get you close. Plus, you can use the graphic EQ to tailor the tone more in line with the Lonestar.
  5. G

    Don't forget 10 watt mode

    Yeah, 10 watts is definitely very useful for practicing. I really like the fact that the different power modes actually sound different and aren't just a change in the number of power tubes being used. I tend to run in 10 watts on the spongy variac setting when I'm practicing by myself. And...
  6. G

    Any Koch Amp Users Out There?

    This one goes to 5 channels (spoken in my best Cockney accent).
  7. G

    Any Koch Amp Users Out There?

    Alright, finally some replies. I thought I was the only one this side of the pond attempting to use these amps. :) I gotta say it definitely sucks not having any users forum or product support for Koch. Especially when I'm sitting in the same time zone as the lads in Petaluma. I have a...
  8. G

    Dual Rec Multiwatt (Reborn) - First Thoughts

    Now that really makes we wonder why they don't switch back to the optic switches. The pop and latency seem to be two of the biggest complaints people have about Mesa amps. I can't imagine the switching network is anywhere near the signal path so it can't be for reasons of tone integrity...then...
  9. G

    Dual Rec Multiwatt (Reborn) - First Thoughts

    Well, it's been over a week now. Still lovin' the tone I'm getting from this amp. Not to bash on the Road King but I was glad about a few more differences. These have nothing to do with tone but are still nice: 1) The new 3 x 2 footswitch layout is nice and compact. I wonder if anyone had...
  10. G

    Dual Rec Multiwatt (Reborn) - First Thoughts

    Hey Nomad100, what are your thoughts on the difference in tone between the new rectifiers and the original 2 channel version you have? My only basis of comparison has been with my Road King, which I've heard is darker sounding than the regular dual recs. Or, anyone else that has both...feel...
  11. G

    Dual Rec Multiwatt (Reborn) - First Thoughts

    Ok, so this is just a theory but here goes: Mesa knows they hit the jackpot when they introduced the original Dual Rec to time out with the beginning of the chugga-chugga, no solos 90's world of metal. Now that solos and speed are making a comeback and there are actually a lot of metal bands...
  12. G

    Dual Rec Multiwatt (Reborn) - First Thoughts

    I just got my new 2011 dual rec yesterday. I also own a Mark V and Road King for comparison. Initial thoughts: the new dual rec has less low end than the road king. I can turn the bass knob up all the way in vintage/modern modes on ch2/3 and not flub out the way the road king does when...
  13. G

    Any Koch Amp Users Out There?

    Hey guys, I apologize if this is bad form to mention other amps on here but... I recently picked up a Koch Supernova and have been playing it for a little while. It seems like there aren't too many other people that play Koch amps and I've had no luck searching online for a Koch users forum...
  14. G

    The Rectifier FAQ Thread

    Hey all, I had the channel 3/4 volume drop-out issue over the weekend after switching my Roadking II into spongy mode. After some searching, I found the threads about the Chinese v Russian tubes and after some tube swapping, my amp is working again. It might be good to add that info into your...
  15. G

    About to jump ship

    Glad to hear it was just a bad tube. These types of problems can always make us question whether we picked the right amp.
  16. G

    About to jump ship

    Actually, a compressor is a really good idea too. If you like the way the Mark V gain tone is, a compressor will get your more sustain without changing the tone too much. I personally use a TC Electronic Vintage Overdrive because it's a really light overdrive so it just adds a touch of flavor...
  17. G

    About to jump ship

    I agree that sound levels will change over a the course of a practice or show because your ears get used to some frequencies more than others or tubes/speakers starting warming up...but I've never had an issue with my Mark V drifting in volume that much that it significantly changed its mix in...
  18. G

    Mark V Preset Knobs... Anyone use them?

    Preset sounds great to me on channel 3 Mark IIC+ mode to get that classic metal scoop. Plus, it frees up the V curve for channel 2 experimentation with various EQ shapes.
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    cheapest price you paid for a USED Mark V

    Ebay is probably the only place to find a used one. $1700 was what I paid. There is one there right now at $1600 with about a day left on the auction.
  20. G

    "Mark Vb" wishlist

    Yeah, but can you imagine footswitching between edge and mark I modes in channel 2 without messing with the EQ? The result would probably sound pretty bad since the EQs have to be set so differently. Channel 3 might work ok at the same EQ settings but not great.