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  1. R

    TA-30 fades

    Cool! And please don't get discouraged! If it is the loop connections then it ends up being a small problem in retrospect. There are guys doing all they can to keep older Marshalls usable. Larry Carlton has made comments of frustration with some of his amps. Once you get this resolved I bet...
  2. R

    Electra Dyne Owner wondering about the Royal Atlantic

    OK, here's my take: J.J's description is absolutely right. When I bought my Dyne I was after what the RA offers. Having learned how to use the Dyne I'm never getting rid of it. Even though both have the same wattage, in my mind the Dyne/RA are similar like a Super/Twin are similar. The one...
  3. R

    TA-30 fades

    This was a problem with my Lonestar Special; the send/return jacks needed to be cleaned. Don't know why they weren't replaced but never had the problem after that. Might be the loop jacks are affecting the amp even though you have the loop out maybe? No fault was actually ever found on bench...
  4. R

    Post your Royal Atlantic rig's!

    Great looking rig! Genz-Benz cabs sure look good with the RA!
  5. R

    Post your Royal Atlantic rig's!

    Too Too Cool! Do you use them both together? Can you give your comparison between the two? ...By the way I would like to welcome you to an elite group of 4 or 5 or so players that own the RA! :lol:
  6. R

    Post your Royal Atlantic rig's!

    Thanks! It's a recto 2x12 :)
  7. R

    Head or combo?

    Wow! I just meant around the corner or something! :lol:
  8. R

    Head or combo?

    They used to. I bought my cab used and it is 23". I use a hand truck (dolly) with flexible ropes to hold the gear on if I have to carry the stuff a ways.
  9. R

    Post your Royal Atlantic rig's!

    I love the look of that Genz-Benz cab with the RA! Man is it expensive though! If you ever want to let it go...
  10. R

    Post your Royal Atlantic rig's!

    Here's mine: w/Irish Whiskey pumping the sound as I listen to Gary Moore wailing away...
  11. R

    Head or combo?

    With a head I would highly recommend a 27" cab with a C90 - a beast of a sound! My combo was a 27" and it sounded HUGE! That said I currently have a small Dyne head with a 23" cab and I think it sounds killer. The Dyne forces it will on pedals and cabs...
  12. R

    Another New RA owner!

    Yep it's a plaintop - red after 335 heroes Alvin Lee and Freddie King - and oh yeah that Clapton guy :) I do love,love the 335 vintage subursts though! Using my Electra Dyne I've found a world of tones just leaving the pickup selector in the middle and raising/lowering volume/tone controls...
  13. R

    KT66, KT77, 5881 ...?

    Yep! Trying stuff out was fun but, after my learning curve, stock is what I like most!
  14. R

    Another New RA owner!

    Thank you! I'm sure yours will be too!
  15. R

    Hooray! I will officially be a REAL member of this board!

    Congratulations! Only played my 335 at home with my RA so far but it's a beast! I'm SURE you're gonna LOVE it! (By the way the link isn't working for me)...
  16. R

    Another New RA owner!

    hers's my rigs with my beloved 335 The Dyne rig is supremely cool in person...the BB is on the Dyne because they are ONE!
  17. R

    Electra Dyne Owner wondering about the Royal Atlantic

    This is lame, but I rehearse with my RA first time this Thursday. I can let you know my impression after that.
  18. R

    RA-100 (in action)Video

    Most excellent Sir! Was that the RA straight or did you use a boost?
  19. R

    Another New RA owner!

    Sure - but they'll be from a phone camera. It's all I have. It will be sometime tomorrow. I'm at work (ssshhhh)...after that my band is auditioning for a club owner at one of those Sunday open mikes...
  20. R

    Little Cabinet Update

    I've love to take take them both to practice just to see the sinking look on my bass players face! But that would just be cruel :wink: