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  1. M

    New JJ KT-77 power tubes - got a set!

    I have a Dual Rec Tremoverb 2X12. Would this setup mess anything up?? Would I have to do anything special in order to try this setup. Sorry im a little new to this whole game...... Right now i am just running the MESA 6L6's that i bought at GC. I know that i can get a better tone out of this...
  2. M

    New JJ KT-77 power tubes - got a set!

    I might have to try these in my Tremoverb. Let me know if anyone has ever tried them in one. They sound like they would be pretty killer......
  3. M

    Groove Tubes EL-34M XF2 and a Tremoverb. Anyone use them??

    I am thinking of putting some Groove Tubes EL-34M XF2 in my Tremoverb 2X12 combo. From what i read on them is that they are very bias sensitive. Since i cant Bias (from my understanding) my amp will these tubes not work correctly??? Somewhat new to trying out different tubes on this amp. I...