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  1. B

    replacing my Mark IV tubes.. opinions needed

    That's what i'm thinking.
  2. B

    replacing my Mark IV tubes.. opinions needed

    funny you say that.. I ended up talkin with Doug from Doug's tubes yesterday and he recommended me the following set up. Funny, cuz I think I saw the same recommendation in another thread that he made to someone else. Doug must really like this set up and dude sounds like he knows what he's...
  3. B

    replacing my Mark IV tubes.. opinions needed

    HipKitty - I was hoping you would reply to my post. I've been lurking on this board for a while and you seem to be very knowledgeable and respected around here. I just thought i'd throw out my specific scenario. stoz - I have read a lot of the mark IV posts on here but have not come across the...
  4. B

    replacing my Mark IV tubes.. opinions needed

    I'm about to drop a Celestion V30 speaker and replace my tubes in my Mark IV. I wanted to read some of your opinions out there on the tubes I'm lookin at. I currently have EH 6L6's and 12AX7's but I want to try something else now. I play in a funk band (parliament funkadelic style) mostly clean...