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  1. M

    Quick tone test vid of my MarkIV

    Seems like everyone is just beating around the bush here. Dude, spend less time worrying about your tone and what people think of it, and more time on your playing, because that is what's blowing the most. This kinda' thing actually pisses me off to no end. Guys, who have a **** load of...
  2. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    Thanks to a big help from SFW, I've finally got a desired tone from this amp and it sounds incredible. The problem was nothing to do with tubes, caps or converters. Just a severe case of really **** EQ'ing on my behalf but hey, we learn from our mistakes right? :oops: Thanks to everyone for...
  3. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    Second from the Bottom. "200W Desktop AC/AC Converter 230V to 110V"
  4. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    How'd you mean. The one I use is the Second from the Bottom.
  5. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    Ok. Tubes - Should I use Mesa ones only? They are incredibly expensive over here. Is it possible to use other manufacturers? I tried searching the tube forum for this, but I couldn't find a straight answer.
  6. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    Absolutely. I've been over it a 1000 times. Even the pre-sets in the manual totally sound off.
  7. M

    Mark IV Problems.

  8. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    That's actually the only thing I've not done. Does the problem I have, sound like a tube problem?
  9. M

    Mark IV Problems.

    Hey folks, been reading this forum for a while but didn't join up till today so go easy on the Newbie. Ok here's the problem. I bought a used Mark IV Widebody Combo from the States early last year. I live in Scotland so I have an external Step-Down Transformer to convert the voltage. For a year...