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  1. T

    My second problem with Mark V head

    My first problem was a bad rectifier tube (fuse blows)-10 days to solve this problem My second problem is Now I feel that the amplifier does not work like it should. I note the following changes: -fluctuate in volume and definition of sound -sometimiems has less gain -sometimes in the same...
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    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    Thanks again.
  3. T

    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    I was take out rectifier tube and Eureka the fuse no more blows out, than I was also try with GZ 34- fuse no more blows on Standbay. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: EJ domct203 You are my hero. I have another question. Can I run amp without the rectifier tube?
  4. T

    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    Can I try replace the rectifier tube on MKV whith jj tube GZ 34 and see what happen?
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    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    It is set correct to 6L6
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    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    I was tryed that, but the fuse blows out again. I will take it back at the dealer. thanks
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    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    Shoud I set first two chanel to diode and third chanel to pentode? And it is imprtant how to set the switches on chanels 15,45 or 90 W?
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    Mark V Blows the fuse on standby

    Why blows the fuse on my MARK V on Standby? When I switch the power on my mark, the fuse blows out after one second. What could be wrong? Are possible power tubes or is this any other problem.
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    Triaxis - Low output signal

    What that mean? Are this already made in the factory?
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    Triaxis - Low output signal

    Yesterday I tested my triaxis whith the other one. My triaxis has a lower output signal - almost a half power than the other one. I changed the all preamps tube, but there was nothing better. What could be wrong?
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    Pot for presence control mesa 20/20

    Which type of potentiometer for presence control on mesa 20/20 should I buy? THX
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    20/20 Tubes...

    It´s your mesa 20/20 moded? How works this Tungsram set on deep mod?
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    Which el84 tubes for mesa 20/20?

    Now I have mounted in my power amp JJ tubes but Im not statisfied whith a sound-to many acuity.Im runing triaxis with mesa 20/20 Which el 84 power tubes to buy for mesa 20/20? Anybody know who make the tubes for Mesa Boogie?
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    Output transformers?

    I need output transformer for mesa 20/20. Where to find in Europe and how much cost?
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    Where to buy mesa 20/20 output jack

    One of output jack on my mesa 20/20 is damged. Where I can find a new one or which type of jack is suitable? Perhaps is this right? PICTURE
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    Mesa 20/20 second chanel volume problem

    Can I solve this problem with a new power tubes? Anyone?
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    Mesa 20/20 second chanel volume problem

    The first chanel volume on mesa 20/20 working fine. But when I try to open a second chanel volume I recive less power than on chanel one. From 7 to10 oclock working fine, but when I turn more than 10 the power remain the same. Thanks for any sugestion.
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    Mesa 20/20 Deep Mod

  19. T

    Mesa 20/20 Deep Mod

    Because my plate is not the same like a picture above. For moding my mesa 20/20 shoud I remove this two yallow capacitor? thanks for replay PICTURE
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    Stiletto version....???

    Where is the difference between Stiletto stage 1 and 2. What are they changed on stage 2?