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  1. S

    MK-ll How can I tell?

    I'm looking at a mk-ll and I don't know which one it is.Is there a way to tell by the SN number?Or can I look for some markings on it? thanx ROD S8C
  2. S

    Date my Mk-lll

    Ya know it kinda looks like it says 1/89 or 7/89 but I can't really make out the month.If you can e-mail me I will send you a pic of it and you can tell me what you think it is. thanx ROD
  3. S

    Date my Mk-lll

    Yep it's behind the power tubes.1989 is under there. Thank you all. Matterra...Thats some funny s**t :lol:
  4. S

    Date my Mk-lll

    How or where can I go to date my Mk-lll?(SN25309)blueish/greenish stripe with the MB next to the power cord. thanx to anyone who helps:) ROD (S8C)
  5. S

    Mesa Quad

    Would you do any trades on a Ibanez 540R?
  6. S

    Ibanez guitar for you Mk-III rackmount

    I have a Ibanez USA custom that I would trade to a Mark III rackmount head.You can see some pix of it here( thanx ROD
  7. S

    MK-III Footswitch REV/EQ

  8. S

    MK-III Footswitch REV/EQ

    Thank you.I would like to keep the cost down a little so I was thinking used first.Darkirish thank you and if I can't find one used I will go there. thanx ROD
  9. S

    MK-III Footswitch REV/EQ

    I have a mk-III and I never had the footswitch for the Rev-Eq.I would just like to have the right one for my Boogie. thanx ROD