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  1. B

    How come only young bands play Mesas?

    I am 55 years old and play in a British cover band. I own a Rectoverb and am able to get all the sounds I need from one amp. My AC30 and Marshall stay home.
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    MESA Rect-O-Verb 50 Solo Head

    Thanks Rectohead, I did try hooking my Recto up to an old Kustom cabinet and it sounded great out in front of the speakers. Back in front of the 1x12 in the Mesa and it was still very harsh. My guess is that the 1x12 is very tight in order to keep the sound well defined and loud and needs to...
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    MESA Rect-O-Verb 50 Solo Head

    Can anybody help,.......... please?
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    MESA Rect-O-Verb 50 Solo Head

    This thread addresses the exactly the same issues I've had with my new Recto-verb. It seems to sound better with a Les Paul but with my 50's Japanese Strat it's very harsh, even with significant adjustments in both the guitar and amp. I can get a decent sound, to my ears, when I'm standing...
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    Sag is what you feel or hear when you hit a hard chord and there is a fraction of a second delay before hearing the sound. You don't really hear the delay but you feel it because it adds a softness to your playing and doesn't feel so brittle. I don't know if I can explain it any better than...
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    chennie, yes that's what the switch looks like the one on mine. I didn't want to force anything but I'll see if I can move it. Monsta, Thanks for the history on Lee Jackson and Soldano, et al. I find that the tone controls on the Rect-O-Verb are more responsive and interactive than my other...
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    J-bird, What I see on mine is black plastic, about 3/4" by 1/4" and flush with the back of the amp. It has a small slot in it where you must either slide it or remove it. Is that what yours looks like? Thanks.
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    Do you have to pull a guard off the back or something to get to the switch? I only see a black plastic cover on mine and don't know if that slides or comes off.
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    I have some old Philips EL34s but don't know how to switch the bias on the back of the amp. Is it a guarded switch? Do I need tools?
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    I have never played through, or even heard of a Lee Jackson amp. I like EL34s but want the clean headroom of the 6L6s for greater versatility of the amp. I bought the amp for its aggressive modern sound but like it for it many sounds. Among others, I want to try for a gutteral 70's Marshall...
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    Monsta-Tone, I am already amazed at the sounds I can get from this Rect-O-Verb. I am used to Marshall plexis, can I say Marshall here?, and am always looking for more gain. No more, with the Recto there's more than enough. Turning the mids down helps to increase sag. Any suggestions how to...
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    Thanks Monsta-Tone, that may be the answer. I read in the manual that the tone controls have a large effect on sag and sensativity as well. What about the speaker, is that part of the tightness and will it loosen up over time?
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    Mesa Rect-O-Verb conversion to tube rectifier

    Hi everyone, I'm new to the board. I just bought my first Mesa, a brand new Rect-O-Verb 2 combo. I love the sounds I can get but the amp sounds very tight. I wanted to know if it's possible to convert to a tube rectifier to gain more sag in the output. Also, will breaking in the speaker help...