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  1. Kiteboarder

    The cleans on a Roadster VS the cleans on a Lonestar

    How would you guys compare the cleans on a Roadster vs the cleans on a Lonestar? I have a LS and I love the cleans, but I have never had the chance to play a Roadster. I presume the distortion channel on the Roadster is much better than that of the LS. Right?
  2. Kiteboarder

    Tube Change

    So guys, If I want to replace the tubes for EL43's then, and the bias is fixed. Who, other than directly from Mesa, can I buy the tubes from? And... Is there something I need to look out for? I can see my stock 6L6s are coded RED.
  3. Kiteboarder

    New Boogie User Lonestar Questions..

    I'm also curious about the 2x12 Recto cab too. I like the fact that it is smaller than the LS cab. I don't think I can use the Timmons videos as point of reference, because that dude can probably plug the LS into a 1970s AM radio and still make it sound good.
  4. Kiteboarder

    Re: Extension Cab arrived

    Hey Telemaster, since I recently moved the chassis of my LS from the 2x12 Combo cabinet to a head cabinet I'm thinking of modifying the combo cabinet to turn it into the 2x12 speaker cab. I think it's doable. But... Could you please give me the dimensions of the 2x12 LS Extension cabinet. I...
  5. Kiteboarder

    Re: Extension Cab arrived

    Well, you much much more air. Sound the sound is definitely fuller even at the same "volume"
  6. Kiteboarder

    Using a head with a combo

    Hi there. Try and download the manual for the LS off the Mesa site. I remember reading exactly how to do this in the manual. I just don't remember right now.
  7. Kiteboarder

    Lonestar Head has a reverb pan but the combo...

    I had to keep the tank bare in the head cabinet. If I put the reverb in the pouch and stick it in the head, the top of the pouch sits about 1/4" under one of the power tubes! No no no. Not good! So bare it is!
  8. Kiteboarder

    What about the fabled 5th screw in the Lonestar?

    Guys! I just finished! I'm smiling from ear to ear! I'll fill in the blanks later... My wife's waiting for me to take her out.... More soon... -D
  9. Kiteboarder

    Lonestar Head has a reverb pan but the combo...

    By the way, both cabinets are genuine Mesa cabinets.
  10. Kiteboarder

    Lonestar Head has a reverb pan but the combo...

    Hi everybody, I'm working on moving my Lonestar amp from a combo cabinet to a head cabinet. The head cabinet that I bought has a reverb unit included and it is bolted to the bottom of the cab. There is no vinyl cover for it. The unit pan just sits there. On the combo though, the unit is...
  11. Kiteboarder

    Re: Extension Cab arrived

    Other head? Is it another LS? I'm curious about trying other Mesas. I've only ever had the chance to try LSCs, LSSs, Stilletos and Expresses. I want to try some Marks and Rectos. In fact I'm curious about the Nomads and the Roadsters too. I have to find a good Mesa dealer around here in...
  12. Kiteboarder

    Ditching Effects Loop

    About Andy... It's not that he uses the Lonestars as 2 amps. He uses a Lonestar and a second amp, a Stilleto. Go to YouTube and search for Andy Timmons. Mesa posted about 6 vids with him. They're pretty good and very informative. -D
  13. Kiteboarder

    What about the fabled 5th screw in the Lonestar?

    Oh, and by the way... I recorded the original dirty channel. I'm going to record it again with the same mic, placement and settings once I do the mod in order to compare. -D
  14. Kiteboarder

    What about the fabled 5th screw in the Lonestar?

    Thanks! Yeah, I kinda figured out that one. But thanks for the reminder. -D
  15. Kiteboarder

    What about the fabled 5th screw in the Lonestar?

    Hi plan-x, I did hear about the Reeder #2 mod, but I really don't want to do anything to channel 1. Plus, I keep going back and forth about whether to do the Reeder #1 mod until last night. I had my wife, who is a musician too, sit with me and compare the 2nd channel in the Lonestar with my...
  16. Kiteboarder

    Re: Extension Cab arrived

    Well, consider yourself honored! Maybe it's a foreshadow that you are going to get an extension cab too! :lol:
  17. Kiteboarder

    What about the fabled 5th screw in the Lonestar?

    Thanks djw, So basically, the screw must be grounding against the foil. I'll take a look at that thread you're mentioning. Like I mentioned before in the YouTube email, I'll be looking for the 2x12 open-back Lonestar cab for it soon. If I find a blue one, the entire setup might remain blue...
  18. Kiteboarder

    Ditching Effects Loop

    If there is any effect on tone from having the loop in, it is very subtle and not a bad thing in my opinion. The tubes that drive the loop basically "buffer" the signal in order to deal with the fact that the signal must go out and then back in. Now, I'm not sure about this one, but I'm pretty...
  19. Kiteboarder

    What about the fabled 5th screw in the Lonestar?

    I have a Big Blue Pig 2x12. I'm going to convert it into a separate head/cab setup. I just got my empty head cab in the mail today. I'm also considering doing the Reeder mod while I'm at it too. The question is... in djw's summary of the Reeder mod, he says: "Assuming you know about the 5th...
  20. Kiteboarder

    Re: Extension Cab arrived

    Oh, and by the way. My empty head cabinet arrived too. It's sitting in a box behind me right now! :D I'm planning on moving the chassis from my combo over to the head cabinet and then getting a separate 2x12 cab.