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  1. J

    JP2C Registry

    You need to upload the image to something like. Then you copy one of the link options with around it. Should be a simple youtube tut. Real easy/.
  2. J

    JP2C Registry

    Your baby is beautiful.
  3. J

    JP2C Registry

    Come on guys take 5mins and upload some pictures!!!!
  4. J

    JP2C already for sale!

    I always found this sooooooo dumb. Unless you have more money then sense why would you drop so much money on something only to sell it within a couple weeks? And why not just return the bloody thing?
  5. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    *blows kisses.
  6. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    WOW that is a fair difference in size. Wish I had more experience with the older amps, I spend alot of time in the shops playing the latest and greatest but my local isnt exactly stocking III's haha. Makes perfect sense. Daisy pointed out that Calling the modes on the V by older models set them...
  7. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    That was a great read! I hope the videos your doing includes a casual and raw 30min long video with JP like you did for the Mark V:25. I still listen to that occasionally to hear john play.
  8. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    I assumed it was a comibination of all his boogies to try and capture as board a spectrum of c's as possible not just his absolute favorite. But I know now. I think it was the right decision personally. Maybe trying to emulate too many c+s is what tripped the mark V up? Would be amazing to see...
  9. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    We knew it would be based on his C+'s but here he says its an exact copy of his favorite C+ SINGULAR. Take that information as you wish. IMO it means its more likely they managed to capture the magic of his favorite C+ rather than trying to blend them all together. Now any JP experts which one...
  10. J

    NGD - ESP Hetfield Snakebyte

    That really sucks man. I have a first run LTD Snakebyte I absolutely love. To the OP enjoy the new axe. The Snakebyte is an imposing beast to see and play!
  11. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    I said earlier I meant a 'soft' reissue. Forgot to repeat that at the end. For all intensive purposes the JP2C is a soft reboot. Words from Mesa hollywood website. "JP fans know that the legendary Mark IIC+ circuits have been favorites of his. So is this amp a IIC+? YES… it’s the next...
  12. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    Was spot on with my guess of 6K retail. Only place online with a price atm. We will have to wait very patiently for used ones to pop up. Mark V's are thin on the ground and they have been around for a long time now, the JP2C will be...
  13. J

    Mark V or Mark V 35

    Now that the JP2C is coming I vote for that :P Although is does look like it wont be bedroom friendly in the slightest lol
  14. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    JP has been a busy bee hasnt he.
  15. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    I have actually surprised they announced it without backing it with a video. The V:25 and V:35 had a announcement video right? I am pretty sure they did. I want another video like the casual demo John did for the V:25, sometimes I just listen to that clip to hear John play. Nice my man. many...
  16. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    Yerp I am preparing for the masses of 'sounds nothing like the IIC+' etc etc. You can replicate something all day but even with the same hands, same parts, same specs built in the same factory you cant make an exact copy of something made 30 years ago. Especially when there has been so many...
  17. J

    New Mesa/Boogie JP-2C John Petrucci signature guitar amp

    Already a thread on it below this one. The original could use a rename however.
  18. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    Well with number one I disagree completely. Shared eq means you cannot optimize exactly to what you want. Getting a good sound out of each channel is achievable sure, but you do sacrifice tone shaping when you have everything shared. Having individual eq's is just the smart move. And when I said...
  19. J

    Mark V:35 Say WHAT?!?! Short Head and 1x12 combo

    Yes the photos have started turning up! MOAR!!!! if you have a V:35 post up!
  20. J

    !! Check out the new Toy @ Mesa Boogie!!

    My thoughts exactly. They just made the perfect 2C in terms of features. Rather than a Mark VI JP sig with 500 setting options and built in Apocalypse mode powered by babies and small mammals. Well done mesa. Wonder if they will do a 2C+ non signature in about a years time with Simul? or just...