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  1. F

    Why does a Mesa Recto 4x12 sounds better than my V30 2x12?

    I agree with all of this. Mesa v30's are definitely better sounding. My rectifier cab and marshall cab with v30's have the similar v 30 character but the marshall cab is missing so much. I have a rectifier 4x12 and a 2x12 horizontal. They sound very similar especially when mic'd but because...
  2. F

    Swapping speakers in an Oversized 4x12?

    All you have to do is remove the grill cloth. (The screws for that are in the back of the cab pointing towards the front.) Then unscrew the existing screws, go to the hardware store and buy the same screws but longer. Problem solved!
  3. F

    Swapping speakers in an Oversized 4x12?

    I would mic the v30s. They have most of the character. And when miced they have plenty of low end. I like the Deltas for adding low end in the room, when not miced.
  4. F

    Swapping speakers in an Oversized 4x12?

    I swapped 2 v30's in an oversized slant cab for 2 Eminence Delta pro 12a's and that made a huge difference. Kept the same v30 character and cut but added some tight low end. I have heard that the Delta pro is a "poor man's EVM 12L. I have never heard one so I can't say for sure but it is an...
  5. F

    Here's what Fractal is doing to our music

    I would agree that James' tone was better in the late nineties. I don't know how to describe what I don't like about it now but it just sounds like too much of something. Or maybe too little of something. lol. I also agree that it isn't the axe fx. They just matched the axe to his already...
  6. F

    Speaker recommendations

    I agree, I am so used to v30's that everything else does sound like it's missing something. That being said though, I added 2 Delta Pro 12A's to my Rectifier 4x12 and the combination is amazing!! I have never heard the Delta Pro with out the V30 in the mix but I would like to. They are...
  7. F

    Metallica "Load" Tone Test - Take 1

    Wow, very close!
  8. F

    Mesa Quad Preamp

    I'm not sure, but I'll check the serial tonight.
  9. F

    Need speaker cab advice!

    I suspect that there are 2 jacks because one can be used as an in and the other as an out, to another cab. I don't think what you are doing will harm anything but I also don't think that you have to have a cable going into each jack.
  10. F

    Leper Messiah - Battery riffs

    OK cool. Thanks!
  11. F

    Leper Messiah - Battery riffs

    The only difference that I can really here in the videos is that channel 1 had a sharp mid range bite and channel 2 had more low end and maybe less mid bite. Does that seem right?
  12. F

    Mark IV for Slayer, Heavy Metal sound or Tremoverb??

    The tremoverb should suit you well for metal. If you find that it is too muddy or loose then you can tighten it up with an overdrive or just use a parametric eq to reduce some bass before the amp. Active pickups are also great with any rectifier. They tend to tighten it up because the active...
  13. F

    Mesa Quad Preamp

    I think that you are probably right. And yes I have a parametric eq. I am not opposed to using it but I want to be able to dial in a good sound before tweaking it with the eq. I tried using it again the other day and it randomly cuts out. I think the next step is to replace the pots that are...
  14. F

    Leper Messiah - Battery riffs

    Do you notice much difference in tone between channel one and two?
  15. F

    UPS for Dual Rectifier

    I think that that is a great idea. In addition to backing up power, a lot of them balance and regulate incoming power. Making it more consistent I think you should get at least a 1000va or bigger. The only thing that would concern me is that a lot of the consumer grade ones put out a...
  16. F

    Thinking of Rejoining the Club: Recommendations Requested

    Definitely go and play a mark V. I personally don't play clean stuff much so my opinion of the clean channel may not matter in this case. However the versatility of the Mark V is amazing. You could set up each channel at 10, 45, or 90 watts. I have never played the 5:25 but that would be...
  17. F

    GAS, or AAS? The only Limited Ed. V in Australia.

    And yes, we do drink Bud! haha
  18. F

    Need Help Selecting A Cab - Ordered A New Custom Mark V:25

    I agree with this 100%. When I got my first vintage 30 cab I absolutely hated it. They have such a pronounced mid spike that can sometimes sound harsh when you are by yourself. But that mid spike is what really helps in a band setting. After I got accustomed to my vintage 30's, I would...
  19. F

    DIY dual recto footswitch!

    Yeah the external triggers would be the simplest.