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  1. T

    Lonestar Special lead tone

    I'm happy to have the duckies, but wonder what they are in this context (apart from cute waterfowl)?
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    LSS: increase clean headroom and make humbuckers work

    You're welcome - it also seems to minimise the sound difference between when the loop is bypassed and not. I can't tell the difference now.
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    LSS: increase clean headroom and make humbuckers work

    Just figured this out, so you may already be doing it, but if not: - Start on channel 2 (overdrive channel) - Adjust your channel 2 to taste and set output (master volume) to the right level for the room - Click the channel button across to channel 1 - Turn channel 1 master (channel volume)...
  4. T

    LSC Drive Channel Muddiness

    Also try retubing at least your power tubes with either NOS or something less expensive like JJs. Better yet if you can do the preamp tubes with some good replacements. The stock Mesa tubes aren't great for nice overdrive in channel 2 to my ears
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    Lonestar Special lead tone

    I'm feeding the speaker out from the amp into a Sequis Motherload - so no speaker and no microphone involved (and no angry neighbours!). The whizzo thing about it is that it is flexible enough to shape overdriven sounds for recording without the nasty buzz you can get with some direct recording...
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    Lonestar Special lead tone

    Thanks very much - glad you liked it :D
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    Lonestar Special lead tone

    Oh no, I've gotten self-indulgent in my old age! I suppose it could stand to lose a verse - thanks for the feedback on both the tone and the song. Very kind. :D
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    Lonestar Special lead tone

    Thanks. :D Basically start with the drive low (between 9 and 10), then gain high around 3, with all the subsequent knobs dialed back about an 1/8th turn progressively until the bass is around 10. Presence at 12. That said, I've gone for NOS tubes throughout without which I couldn't get this...
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    deleted post

    LSS is pretty nice with humbuckers for overdrive though.
  10. T

    Lonestar Special lead tone

    I have found the lead tone I was looking for in my LSS, and wanted to share it with you. It's on the first couple of tracks here: I'm playing a Parker Fly Mojo, Teese RMC Wah in front of the amp and basic pod compressor in the loop (I know this isn't where it...
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    LSS cleans with loop

    I will try the eq approach and see if it helps. The change with the loop is a subtle one - it sounds to my ears like using the effects loop is the equivalent of turning a global presence control on the amp down a little. As though all frequencies lose a little of their brightness. I think we...
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    LSS cleans with loop

    I like the LSS clean best with hard bypass on the loop. Sounds amazing. With overdrive I like it best with the loop engaged. Also amazing. Does anyone with an LSS know if there is any trick to getting the LSS clean to sound as good with the loop engaged, or is it just that the extra tube in the...
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    Favorite Guitar for Lonestar

    Parker Fly Mojo - single coil + piezo for clean, and humbucker + piezo for overdrive. Both neck and bridge pups work well. Gives you the range from tele/strat through les paul, plus the piezo thing where the detail really comes out through the amp. With the tone knob turned down the LSS does...
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    Lonestar Classic v. Special

    To my ears the special is more articulate than the classic. The classic is more fender and the special more vox in terms of direction. The special definitely benefits from a retube too - the standard Mesa's give too rough an overdrive for my tastes. There is a thread on that in the tubes forum...
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    Replacing the stock rectifier valve/tube - is it worth it?

    I asked about this on tubeasylum, and the grandees there think it is not worth it unless you change the rectifier type, which you can't do on a LSS. Not sure about the classic though.
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    for a lonestar special head....LSS owners are welcome...

    For metal with the LSS the Damage Control Solid Metal takes you into Recto sounding territory, and for overdrive you could do a lot worse than using a compressor in the drive channel.
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    Lonestar/RK/F-Series cleans for Pink Floyd?

    I would say that the Hiwatt sounds bigger - which given the LSS is a little 30 watt 1 x 12 combo is probably not a shock
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    Lonestar/RK/F-Series cleans for Pink Floyd?

    Lonestar Special can take you in that direction, but you need to retube it first (I went NOS, but there are lots of good modern alternatives too) and will also need to use a little mild compression. The stock Mesa tubes don't give a smooth enough overdrive (to my ears), but with the right retube...
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    Lonestar Special - Tube issue or not?

    This is a new one - best call Mesa directly for advice