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  1. D

    Mark IV short combo cab - Black Taurus, Sus4

    Successfully converted my IV to a head, so now the cab needs a new home! Black taurus, Sus4 mounting, original fan and reverb tank. I replaced the C90 with an Eminence V12, which can either be included or not. Asking 250 for the whole shebang, feel free to make an offer. I’m in Raleigh, NC...
  2. D

    Will a Mark IV fit in a JP2C headshell?

    I'm looking to turn my short combo Mark IV into a head, and I've got a lead on a JP2C headshell. Will the chassis screws line up? The JP appears to have an ever-so-slightly taller and deeper box than Marks of times past, but that shouldn't interfere with anything if the chassis will bolt into...
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    GEQ engaged during recording?

    Don't forget about the effect the mic and placement has on the final sound - a lot of the time, my e609 by itself sounded woofy and weird by itself, but with two tracks it sounded fine. You might want to try backing the mic away from your speaker a few inches to a foot to get more of the...
  4. D

    What Ohm V30's come stock in the 2x12 Rectifier Vertical Cab

    You might be interested in the third speaker down: - it's a T-65 clone by Warehouse, and I was reminded of it. Good luck with your speaker swap!
  5. D

    Does Your Mark IV Do This?

    The only time I've ever gotten distorted reverb was when I was using the wrong tube in V4 - Mark IVa use 12AT7s for reverb tubes, so you might want to try that?
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    Mac vs PC

    ^ What interfaces don't work with Macs? I know you can't use anything from Cakewalk or Sony on a Mac (which means Sonar and Acid Pro), but you can't use Digital Performer or Logic on a PC, but that's software. I haven't even heard of an interface worth getting that didn't work with both. I'm...
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    Recording Amps with SM57

    Oh right, my bad.
  8. D

    Help with my Roadster/Mark IV Stereo Rig!

    Personally, I'd have some sort of specialized rack thing set up (don't ask me how to do this; I don't know at this time) to switch/blend the preamps for whatever sound you're looking for. Personally, I would have the delay set up in stereo (I'd have the whole thing set up in a sort of permanent...
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    Recording Amps with SM57

    The Dual Rectifier stuff sounds just fine if you ask me, but it sounded like there was some confusion between the guitarists and drummer on whether to play 16ths or triplets... But you know what would have sounded even better than anything mentioned so far? Apogee AD-16s. Yeah. You guys are...
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    Tricks mixing guitar. Give me some ideas

    Yeah, I used to do that before I discovered how much better true double tracking sounds. Copying and pasting a track like that normally makes it sound strange in one way or another, and double tracking just has a more organic sound and feel to it. But what your friend said saves a LOT of time.
  11. D

    Does this Mark IV mod exist

    I've had Yontz work on my amps (I trust him with Mesas more than I do Darren Riley, since Yontz is Mesa certified) on a couple occasions - he's the one that did my special Pull Shift (well, non-pulled) mod. He made the non-pull a good bit less raucous and WAY more musical. It means that my IV...
  12. D

    Shep's NEW rack!!!

    That looks fantastic.
  13. D

    Best Ideas for effects unit, will use Mesa amp for dist.

    Yeah, use the effects loop out of your Mark V, through the effects, then one side of the stereo effects back into the V and the other into the dummy amp.
  14. D

    Anyone prefer the Mark IV to the Mark V... Why?

    I'll take my IV over a V any day. The Mark IV is a lot more adjustable, tone-wise. There are more switches to play with, knobs to pull or to not pull... I mean, you can't make a V go down to 30 watts of 6L6 power, the Lead channel is smoother on a IV... I just think there's more you can do...
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    Best Ideas for effects unit, will use Mesa amp for dist.

    You can't go wrong with anything TC. The sound quality is phenomenal, and my Nova delay blows any Boss delay out of the water (I know this from experience). Crystal clear, detailed, and smooth. I'd have to recommend the G Major - it's only about 400 bucks, and it sounds great. You can set it...
  16. D

    Good Metal Rythmn tone in Mark IV?

    Nevermore tones from my amp were very similar to my modified JP settings, which are as follows: Gain 9P, Treble 6.5, Bass 4, Mids 5, Drive 9, Presence 3P. It's a good place to start for dialing in Jeff Loomis's tone. Make sure the Lead Voicing switch is set to Harmonics, and I prefer the...
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    Devin townsend Seven string low G

    Yeah, he plays ESP guitars for the most part, and their seven strings all have a 26-1/2" scale. He very well might use a 60, but it would still be flappy as a fish.
  18. D

    Mixing/production: old songs vs new songs

    Yeah, such is the loudness war. It's ridiculous and unnecessary if you ask me. I understand compressing tracks to an extent (natural hearing has a sort of compression to it, and compression can make something sound like it's louder when it isn't), but extreme limiting like what happens today...
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    new song -- "Speak to Me" - mark2b content

    Whoa, that's cool. Great tone!
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    Good Metal Rythmn tone in Mark IV?

    Depends on which sort of metal you're talking about! I've gotten Nevermore 7-string tones, Lamb Of God-like crunchiness, and sounds akin to early Metallica from my amp, and they're all very different. I'll give you the Lamb Of God settings (as far as I've found, this works really well, but...