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  1. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Hey Guys, The "fingers" comment wasn't intended to be a dig. But, in retrospect, it does read that way. My apologies. I still feel like bringing up "Crate" is like slapping someone's mother in the face. I mean, really. Ouch! :) Also, I was trying to diffuse the pissing contest between...
  2. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    I can't believe that we're having this pissing contest regarding versatility. Both setups are incredibly versatile. And why all the taunting with the Crate talk? Ouch. Both amps are incredibly versatile. There's always a question over how many of those sounds are actually usable or...
  3. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Just to clarify on this comment made above, the Triaxis LD2 modes are hardwired with *many* (but not all) of the Mark series pull switches enabled. Specifically, based on the schematic of Triaxis, the LD2 modes are wired this way: Equivalent Settings relative to Mark IIC+ or Mark III: Volume 1...
  4. C

    MKV Tweed sound in Triaxis?

    Yes, LD1 green turned low. That's a really good idea. Chip
  5. C

    MKV Tweed sound in Triaxis?

    In full disclosure, there is no clean mode on the Triaxis that is labeled "Tweed". If you're expecting that, you'll be disappointed. The Triaxis has two clean modes...R1Green and R1Yellow. Green is fatter and fuller yet still bright (classic Fender). Yellow is skinnier and spankier. There's...
  6. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Hey MesaGod, I see that you have a Triaxis plus a 2:90 as well as a 20/20. And you have a Mark V. The guy on this thread... asking about the Triaxis vs the Mark V. At the end of the thread (page 3), he's also asking about how well...
  7. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Oh, and have you tried an AxeFX? I don't have much experience with any modeling stuff (Line6, AxeFX, or other). Is it decent? For the AxeFX, what kind of power amp would you pair it with? Would you go solid state for maximum clean power (letting the AxeFx do all the tone), or would you go...
  8. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Whenever I go LD1 yellow, I always seem to gravitate to super-saturated, compressed, thick thick thick leads. It's just where that channel tends to take me. Mmm, it's good. But it's no AC/DC. Do you remember how you set it up? More gain1, less gain 2? The reverse? No bass, lots of treble...
  9. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Hey Ryjan, How do you work your mid-gain sounds? On a mark series amp, this is where I'll push in the treble knob to defeat the shift. It loosens up the classic Mark focus and makes it sound a little less metal. On the Triaxis, I use the LD2 modes and dial back the gains. It works...
  10. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    I'm totally relaxed. I'm here to have fun talking about gear. And it is fun. Ever talk with motorcycle folks, or hikers, or sailors...they all have their current gear love, but they also have some complaints, too. It's fun to talk about both. The positives get lots of air here. Sometimes...
  11. C

    Limitations of the Triaxis

    Hi All, On another thread here in the "Rack Pieces" forum, I almost hijacked the thread by sliding into a discussion of the limitations of the Triaxis. Since I really like talking about the Triaxis (with its pluses AND its minuses), and since I don't really like thread-jacking, here's my...
  12. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    That TC 1128 looks pretty sweet. Nice pointer!
  13. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    Like I said, the EQ thing can be handled with another piece of outboard gear. I'm sure that there are outboard MIDI controlled EQ units out there. Or, I bet that the multi-effects units have multi-band EQ's in them that'll do the job nicely. Probably, there are multiple people here on this...
  14. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    **** funny! Very nice and very clearly said. Thanks. For the less gain / more gain shades of color, this is totally what the Triaxis was built for. You can save a bunch of variations to different MIDI settings and then call them up with the touch of a button. You can also map the gain...
  15. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    Hey Geiri, How are you going to use this new piece of gear? Live? In a band? Or mostly at home or in your studio? Chip
  16. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    If you're in a band situation where you can run stereo through your PA, that's awesome. Totally awesome. Do you have another guitarist (or keyboardist) in your band? When you're running stereo, how does your band manage the PA so that there is sonic space for that other person? Is it ever an...
  17. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    Hi Ando, Actually the original poster (OP) brought up the Mark V as an option in one of his follow-up posts. I didn't. I thought that he was very sensible for having alternatives to consider. It's never useful to ask for help without presenting alternatives. It really sets the context for...
  18. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    I disagree that the triaxis itself will give you more colors than the Mark V. What the Triaxis does give you is a rack system. A rack system can certainly have more colors than a basic amp. Most significantly, a rack system lets you go stereo. But, in a band situation, you never hear the...
  19. C

    What am I looking for in a triaxis ???

    Any version of the Triaxis will be fine...though I do recommend version 2.0 or later just because they have the full MIDI software. Other than the MIDI thing, the main differences between the different versions of the Triaxis are in just one mode...LD1 Red. LD1 Red had one incarnation that was...
  20. C

    Mark III C30 mod

    Hmm, I don't have a MIII, but everyone has always talked about soldering in with such ease that I assumed that they did not have to lift the board. You just can't stick in the leg, hit the pad with some heat, and blob on a little solder? Chip