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  1. C

    IIC+ tinny sounding gain

    I've had a sound kinda like pots and pans when I would dig in an play hard. It turned out that my strings were hitting the pickups and sometimes my strings were hitting the highest fret closest to the pickups. Nasty, nasty sound. Once I lowered my pickup a smidgen and raised the strings a...
  2. C

    The forgotten and unsupported pure MK II C

    I had a IIC that I later had converted to a IIC+ at Mesa. IMO, if you're only using the clean channel, the IIC is a fine amp. I think tat the Mark series clean sound is definitely skinnier than the classic Fender blackface sound (unless you pull shift the bass and pull fat the volume knob)...
  3. C

    Putting together a Mark III Guide

    All of the links appear to be broken. 404! :(
  4. C

    Boogie early history & more

    I take a small issue with the characterization "Bassman-ish". Assuming that we're talking about the classic and hallowed late '50s Fender bassman (the 1959 bassman is considered to be a holy grail), I think that there is very little that is Bassman-ish about the Fender-derived Boogies. From a...
  5. C

    Why did Mesa choose to EQ the Marks in the way they did?

    This is the answer. The tone knobs (with treble pushed in, bass pulled out) are exactly the same as on a classic blackface/silverface Fender. Randall Smith (founder of Mesa Boogie) started out by modifying Fender amps. Then, when he made the the Mark I (simply known as the Boogie from Mesa)...
  6. C

    Mark IIC++ Hetfield mod

    I'm curious...what do you all mean when you say "gain"? It means different things to different people. Some guitarists think of it as the amount of compression/sustain. Other guitarists think of it as how quickly you can get feedback. Yet other guitarists think of it as the amount of...
  7. C


    Time to get out the soldering iron! Based on my understanding of the 2C+ circuit, this would be a trivial modification electrically. The hard part is finding a good place on the chassis to install the switch to toggle between the two states. Or maybe MikeB at Mesa could extend his business...
  8. C

    NAD: Mark iic+

    And if you think that your IIC+ sounds good with that Juno-60, you should really try it with a guitar!
  9. C

    Mark IIC+ DRG and JP2C experience.

    For those who are wondering, I believe that the cap that we're talking about is the 1000 pF (ie, the 0.001 uF) cap in the lead circuit between power rail "C" and the anode of V4A. When the cap is in the circuit, it rolls off some of the highest frequencies of the lead sound. I believe that...
  10. C


    I actually didn't really like the sound of the demo at all. The chorus on the clean setting was kinda cheating, and so was all the echo on the lead tones. Trying to hear through the effects, I felt that the high-gain segments of the demo were too heavy in the low-mids and didn't have enough...
  11. C


    Oh, I missed that it was two versions. I thought that there was only the high-trim version with the fancy wood and stuff. That's not really my vibe, so I was a bit bummed. I'm so glad that they've got a plain version, too. To me, that's much more in-line with an amp that's meant to rock...
  12. C


    I wonder what's the price? $3000? More? Chip
  13. C

    Mark III Black Stripe Gain Mods

    I've never had a Suhr either. Maybe someone is masquerading as me...and has a wicked amp collection. Lucky duck! Chip
  14. C

    Mesa Mark III Red Stripe (Metallica tone)!

    I thought that the Boogie/Marshall setup was true, but only for the first album where they had Boogies. My memory is that Master of Puppets was the first album featuring a Boogie amp (the previous records were all Marshall). I thought that it was just that album where they did the trick of...
  15. C

    Mark III Black Stripe Gain Mods

    Man, I wish had been an owner of a No-Stripe Coliseum...but that wasn't me. While I knew that a Coliseum's power could cause earthquakes in near-by continents, I didn't know that it was powerful enough to erase memories. Wow, that's some ooomph! :) Chip
  16. C

    Mark III Black Stripe Gain Mods

    Have you confirmed that the amp is running correctly? For example, have you confirmed that the voltages at the anode pins of the pre-amp tubes is correct? We're looking for gross problems 100V off, not a mere handful of volts. If the power supply is crapping out and you find that...
  17. C

    Help me Choosing my IIC

    Having owned a IIC, which I then had converted to a IIC+, I'm assuming that the guy was refering to the tone of a IIC *prior* to having the IIC->IIC+ conversion. The IIC really is different from a IIC+ (or from the IIB, for that matter). The original IIC is kinda an orphaned freak of an...
  18. C

    Where the Rhythm 2 take the gain in Mark III

    Regarding the value of the cathode bypass cap, I find it interesting that the Mark IV uses a big one (16 uF) for its R2. That's quite different than the skinny one (0.47 uF) that's in the Mark III that you've seen. I've never played R2 on the Mark IV or Mark III...does the Mark IV R2 feel a...
  19. C

    Where the Rhythm 2 take the gain in Mark III

    Ah, I agree that adding the decoupling cap to 3rd gain stage will result in a fairly substantial boost in gain. I've modded my IIC(+) to do this. It's kinda fun sometimes, but I don't really like the tone. I've futzed with the value of the decoupling cap a bit (what do they use in the Mark...
  20. C

    Where the Rhythm 2 take the gain in Mark III

    I think that the other changes have to more to do with the "voicing" of the R2 channel, meaning how the low and high frequencies are shaped by the circuitry. The voicing of the R2 channel is one of the areas that was tweaked between the different versions (aka, "stripes") of the Mark III...