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The Boogie Board

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  1. M

    Noise gates

    What would you suggest for a Noise gate for a Dual rec. I am looking for something around $200 tops.
  2. M

    The question!!!

    4x12 stand rec or 4x12 trad rec Which amp will take the cake for my dual rec 2005?
  3. M

    What made you decide to buy a mesa boogie?

    KIRK HAMMETT !!! \m/ :D \m/
  4. M

    loud popping noise when I change to channel 2

    Mine used to do that but try waiting till the amp is warmed up and before you switch anytthing let it warm up with the 2nd channel and the fx on and then once you have up standby off...go to clean and then your good.
  5. M

    Shorting the life of my tubes?

    Does cranking the master volume but keeping the channel volume low, on my dual rec, shorten the life of my tubes?
  6. M

    Tips for EQ'ing dual rec.

    Well for the sound I am just looking for something more "punchy" and that has some largness to it. My set up it simple and theres a cry baby below.
  7. M

    Tips for EQ'ing dual rec.

    Ok I'll try it...part of it might be that I havent been able to turn in up past 9 on the master. And it is the 3 chn dual.
  8. M

    Tips for EQ'ing dual rec.

    I am having some problems getting a tight and easy to play through sound. Any tips/settings?
  9. M

    Post your Rig!

    A few of my guitars for now.
  10. M

    Best cab for DR.

    I was wondering what would be a better cab IYO for a Dual Rectifier. Mesa 4x12 Stand Mesa 4x12 Trad or 2 mesa 2x12's ???? Oh and please leave a reason.