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    Avatar cabs?

    No Soul - Have you tried a recent Avatar? Just curious...
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    What cabinets do you use with your Mesa heads?

    I'm running my Nomad 100 head through an Avatar 2x12 with Eminence Texas Heats - semi-open back. Sounds fantastic - I see an Avatar 4x12 in my future....
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    Avatar cabs?

    I have a semi-open back 2x12 loaded with Eminence Texas Heats from Avatar - I love it. Sounds awesome.
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    Nomad 100 Head...just got it, hum!

    AH-HAH!!!! Played around more with the tubes - I picked up a couple Sovteks this morning, and decided to try them in place of the JJ's the seller had recently put in. With a sovtek in V1, and in the phase inverter, I'm down to the normal, slight hum one expects from a tube amp near a computer...
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    Nomad 100 Head...just got it, hum!

    So poking around in other threads, I tried removing the phase inverter - and that makes the hum go away...methodical preamp tube replacement is coming next....
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    Nomad 100 Head...just got it, hum!

    Anyone recommend a decent tech in Cincy/Northern KY? I just got a used Mesa Nomad, and man does it hum...I'm still checking on what the seller wants to do, but if I'm stuck, I need it taken care of...hums with nothing plugged in at all, increases with volume turned up, and picks up radio...
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    Guitar Center Blowing Out Stiletto Deuce / Tridents

    Seems like as good a thread as any for my first post... :) The GC in Cincinnati has this going on as well. I really really wanted the Deuce to be my amp, given the deal...alas, it's not what I'm looking for. Dang!!!!