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  1. K

    MKIIb combo ***SOLD***

  2. K

    MKIIb combo ***SOLD***

  3. K

    Mark IIb effects loop mod...

    I don't use the effects loop at all. The mod changed the overall sound of the amp which is what I wanted. Stock, the overdrive/distortion is grainy not smooth, not particularly dynamic, and kinda flabby. After the mod those tones are smooth and very touch affected. Low end is tighter as...
  4. K

    Mark IIb effects loop mod...

    For anyone thinking about this mod, I just got an amp back from Petaluma that Mike B. did the effects loop mod to. I've had several MK IIb's over the years and they were by far my least favorite Boogies, not any more. The grainy sound of the overdrive, pre mod is gone and replaced with a...