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  1. J

    Overdrive pedal suggestion for Dual and single Recs

    the BB looks tempting....any comparison on that vs. the keeley katana?
  2. J

    So ARE there any known F-50 Mods?

    I'm am interested in this as well. What EQ do you use up front/in the loop? Would a fish'n'chips do the job in the loop with a bad monkey to bring down the bass up front? Denver
  3. J

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    Thanks a lot Surfcaster.....that seems very straight forward. I was doing some reading, and it sounds like a bad driver tube describes my problem. The driver tube is V4 in the F50.....which was not easy to find out...why couldn't they call it the phase splitter in the it is on the...
  4. J

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    That would be great! Like i said, i'm gonna try and mess around with the amp this weekend....and that sounds like something i should definately look into. Thanks in advance!
  5. J

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    Good ideas to try with the FX loop and volume/gain pots. I had another idea that occurred to me.....i can't try anything on my amp till saturday, so i'm just thinking too much i guess. I noticed when i used the headphone/recording line out running into a mixer to digital 8-track, the sound was...
  6. J

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    if anyone can give me a reason not to trade this obviously beaten to hell amp i supposedly bought new for a 5:50.....i'd love to hear it. I just worry i'll be doing this dance for a while. I mean the reverb tank was dead, it burned out screen grid resistors after about 2 weeks. Maybe not a...
  7. J

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    Thanks for the replies guys. Sorry to hear that plumptone, let me know what ended up happening with i think we are in the same situation. I'll try the FX loop test this weekend. I'm gonna get some spare tubes just in case to see if that will help too. Man i don't want to send...
  8. J

    F50 Problems Yet Again

    I am once again experiencing issues with my F50. The volume will drop at random times and remain at like 10% of the original volume....on all channels. This is corrected by switching to standby for a few moments. It sounded to me like a power tube issue, but i just had them replaced with a...
  9. J

    NEED HELP....F50 + Smoke = Bad

    Well, i took my amp in to the tech...... It was a faulty power tube that blew the screen grid resistor. So now the parts are on the way....sweet! One weird thing i discovered was before i took my amp in, the reverb did nothing....i heard the reverb is a bit weak on the F50, so i just chalked it...
  10. J

    NEED HELP....F50 + Smoke = Bad

    yeah.....they are the stock tubes....i just found it weird that it smoked and cut out, but then worked fine...i just don't want to cause any more damage....calling mesa shortly......
  11. J

    NEED HELP....F50 + Smoke = Bad

    I was playing my F50 last night, when something strange and terrible happened. I had the gain around 9:30 and the master at 12:00 on the contour channel....i was playing when all of a sudden the sound cuts out...i turn on a light and notice a small plume of smoke that "puffed" out of the back of...