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  1. S

    Mesa Mark III vs Mesa Mark III Coliseum

    For my situation I think this comes down to clean headroom where I just want to be able to have the option of similar volume levels between amps at loud volumes. I understand what you're saying about standing out in a mix but this is just for me at home by myself mostly. I'm also not into the...
  2. S

    Mesa Mark III vs Mesa Mark III Coliseum

    Thanks very much for the info guys. I think I'm headed in the right direction. Have you guys ever seen the TV show Home Improvement where Tim Taylor is always trying to get "More power" out of his tools? That's what I was thinking with my mark III. I thought the route of going to a separate...
  3. S

    Mesa Mark III vs Mesa Mark III Coliseum

    First post and been a very happy Mesa Boogie user for over 2 years with a 2 channel triple rectifier and a blue stripe mark iii simul-class with all the options like the c++ mod, reverb, eq, etc. I love my Mesa Mark III but curiosity has got the best of me and I was wondering if someone could...