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    new duel head poping

    Hi Mate no delay , reverb in loop , still dose it even if i take out the pedal. aways makes 2 deep popping sounds ,when switched from stanby to on . wasnr sure if this normal start up for this amp regards andy
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    new duel head poping

    Hi just brought a new duel rect head , when i flip the stanby to on , i get 2 \ 3 pops come through the speakers , sounds like a bad tube , dose this every time i usr it . as i am new to this model , is it normal? after having 3 express 50 , which all packed up on me i gave up on messa and went...
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    express 50 gone

    sorry chaps the express has gone , ive gone back to a marshall jvm 40 , very very disappointed with this boogie , unflexable with tone , reverb muddy....also this was my 3rd amp as all 3 packed up within a week , the last one had to be revalved due to local radio and taxis come through the...
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    express 50

    Hi Ive lowed the base , backed off the gain , i have used a eq pedal with a laney in the effect loop for solo boast , which works really well. the reson i brought the express was to have 2 good drive channels with out pedals , i cant seem to get over the mushy sound and cutt through the...
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    express 50

    thanks chaps , i really wanted to aviod pedals after spending £1000 on an amp , but i will give it a go and try out your idears , many thanks andy
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    express 50

    Hi Ive been using an express 50 now for the few months , yes its been back to coda a few times and revalved by messa due to the local radio station and taxi cabs coming through during gigs , all sorted now... what i like about this amp was the 2 channels , good classic rock rhythm and burn for...
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    between the 25w and 50w express?

    ive had both amps , the 25 watt has no head room and wont cutt though the rest of the band on lead ect , used in a local pub gig once , i then up graded to the 50w and its great ... 25w only good for home use ect andy
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    Express 5:50 is a winner!

    thanks mate , I still think messa should change the valves for free and sort out any problems , Ive 2 gigs this week and hopfully i will start to trust the amp and that it wont pick up taxi and radio stations , which now seems to be sorted, the back ground hum been kicked into touch too. andy
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    Express 5:50 is a winner!

    Its last chance for the express any more problems and I will be looking to get a refund , the sound and channels are great , over the moon with it , but I am very very nerves of the express letting me down at a gig.i am only using it once \ twice a week for gigs no home use at all , and still...
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    Express 5:50 Hiss

    I sent my 50.50 back and it was re valved , all the hiss disappeared its now 100% ok.
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    Express 5:50 is a winner!

    I am new to messa amps having used marshall laney ect , I brought the express 50 , but i found it had a lot of back ground hum and hiss , so i sent it back to messa vier coda music in stevnage.messa changed all the valves for better quilaty one and the amp is 100% free of back ground noise ...