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  1. Pinetree

    Hotplate: Have I gone crazy?!?!

    I've been using the yellow foam ones for years, and I think that you can get a better "picture" of what things really sound like with them in my ears. Bear in mind that if you're wearing earplugs, and your neighbors aren't... :shock:
  2. Pinetree

    Hotplate: Have I gone crazy?!?!

    Funny you should ask. A few times I've seen you say "Get an attenuator", and was thinking about asking your advice on one". Personally (and I live alone, no wife, no kids, no dog), I like to play at a "moderate" volume level around the house. Nuthin' crazy, mind you... just a solid rock sound...
  3. Pinetree

    Mark IV vs. Stiletto ACE

    I did. 8)
  4. Pinetree

    Mark IV vs. Stiletto ACE

    Well... I ordered a Weber speaker for the Mk IV, and went to GC looking for a Stiletto ACE. but... I scored a deal on a Dual Recto at GC, and am currently on my way to being half deaf. :shock:
  5. Pinetree

    Mark IV vs. Stiletto ACE

    Don't get me wrong, I would loooooooooooooove to have a Dual Recto with a 4x12. That's a killer sound right there, but I'm not in a regularly gigging band, and it would be just TOO MUCH for sitting around the house.
  6. Pinetree

    Mark IV vs. Stiletto ACE

    Hi all. I've got a Mark IV 1x12 combo that Mesa built for me back in '93. Awesome amp, but I've never really been totally happy with it. Seems like there's too many knobs, and the thing seems pretty touchy... I always thought it sounded "sterile". I guess I kinda got used to just dialing up...