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  1. M

    3 Channel Dual Recto Questions . . .

    lailer75 thank you ! :D Dzzzt - is exactly the sound it makes for about half a second - still don't know what causes it but I am happy that I am not the only Boogie owner with this problem. I dont want to keep unplugging the F/S cable for fear of damaging it but I will try changing the...
  2. M

    3 Channel Dual Recto Questions . . .

    Still don't have the power conditioner (it was a special order) but I am looking forward to trying it. Just to clarify on some of the previous posts; the noise actually comes from the head of the amp - not through the speakers - from the left hand side of the head as you view it from the front...
  3. M

    Transporting your Mesa tube amp.

    A hard case is never a bad investment if you transport your amp around. I had a fitted hard case for my old HD147 and there were a couple of occasions on gigs when I am glad I had bought it. I am still looking for a case for my Recto at the right price though :roll:
  4. M

    3 Channel Dual Recto Questions . . .

    Just to keep matters up to date . . . I tried my Recto back in the shop and I was unable to repeat the fault (buzzing on power-on). When I got back home the fault was back on, which suggests a power quality issue to me at my home ? Strangely I disconnected the foot controller from the back of...
  5. M

    3 Channel Dual Recto Questions . . .

    Thanks for the great replies. It seems that the 'popping sound' only happens when i am switching to channel 2 (which I use on modern setting as my main lead sound); sometimes it happens, sometimes it does not so it seems to be exactly as you guys have descibed here. I can live with it as it cant...
  6. M

    3 Channel Dual Recto Questions . . .

    The warm replies I got to my last post on here have encouraged me to ask more things about my lovely new Boogie from you guys - there just seems like so much great knowledge and experience on here ! First up . . . My amp has always made a short buzzing sound (almost like the sound of a welding...
  7. M

    Dual Rec + TG G-Sharp problems . . . advice please ?

    Thanks for the responses on this one. In the end I had to ring Mesa Boogie who were very helpful. I was told by a technician that there have been problems in the past between the Recto and some TC gear because of the parallel loop in the Recto for some reason. He suggested either getting a...
  8. M

    Dual Rec + TG G-Sharp problems . . . advice please ?

    Had my first Boogie (Dual Rec Head) for 3 weeks now and its the most amazing amp I have ever owned or played through but I am having great difficulty getting a TC G-Sharp working in the effects loop. My setup is this; Amp effects send to left input on processor. Left output on processor to...