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  1. A

    Mark V Clean Channel Cutting Out - Help!

    We changed the two relays and everything works perfect now. Thank you so much for the help! :))
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    Mark V Clean Channel Cutting Out - Help!

    Thank you very much! I really appreciate it! I'll give the amp to a tech and we'll check/replace them. Ps. I can not see the videos. " Video unavailable This video is private."
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    Mark V Clean Channel Cutting Out - Help!

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'll take a look, but I think the problem might be somewhere else, because the same thing happens, when I'm using the footswich. I really don't understand why the sound comes back when I strum the strings really hard.
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    Mark V Clean Channel Cutting Out - Help!

    Hello guys! I have this weird problem with my Mark V: When going from the 3rd to the 1st channel, sometimes I get this kind of big volume drop, It cuts the signal almost completely. The sound comes back when: I strum really hard on the guitar, change the mode from...