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  1. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Hey everyone, I checked the amp last night and it turns out that the ringing sound is coming from the Rectifier tube 5U4G. When I remove the tube the ringing stops. If I keep the rectifier switch to Diode and stay at 100watts on both channel 1 and 2 do you know if the amp can be operated...
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    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Thanks zeppman. I've ordered a new LS. As soon as it comes in this one goes back to the store. The store has supplied me with a pair of 6L6s and some 12AX7s at no cost. I've got nothing to loose by trying to troubleshoot this before my gig tomorrow night. So, you're saying that I CAN leave...
  3. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    What's the safest way to trouble shoot the tubes? Do I need to turn the amp completely off each time I exchange a tube. Then power it back on or can simply switch it to standby swap the tube, try it then elimate the bad one? Of course I'll need to repaert this 5 times for each of the 12XA7s...
  4. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    I've tapped the pre-amp tubes with a pencil. didn't hear anything such as the noise I get when I hit that f#. I picked up 5 new 12XA7 preamp tubes today - will try replacing them tonight when I get home. Someone mentioned it could be a power tube as well? If that's the case I may need another...
  5. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    The LS that I have was a floor model. I purchased it at a reduce price but discovered the reverb problem (and now the noise problem). So, I decided to purchase a new amp and have since ordered it, but it takes 4 - 6 weeks to get one from Mesa. The store has no others in stock. In the meatime...
  6. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Just checked the tubes. They are 12AX7s. The noise coming out of the speaker sounds just like the rings on a tamborine. Again, it's only audible when I hit an F# note anywhere on the fretboard. If anyone else has any suggestions on what the problem could be, please chime in. ;-)
  7. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Thanks Timbre Wolf. The sound vibration I'm experiencing when I hit that F# seems to be coming out of the speaker as opposed to any type of wood/enclosure vibration. It sounds like a ringing, very bell like high pitch vibrating. Nonetheless, I'll recheck all the speaker screws and those holding...
  8. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Thanks zeppman. Alas...there's no tube chart in the manual. I was going to stop by the music store on the way home to pick up the tubes. I know there are 5 preamp tubes...just not sure which they are.
  9. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Thanks for the tip. I'm at work right now so I can't try your suggestion but will do so when I get home. If this isn't the fix...any other suggestions? What about preamp tubes? Could one of the tubes be faulty. (you may have read my earlier post) I'm also having a problem when switching from...
  10. D

    HELP! Lone Star 1x12:ringing/buzzing noise only on one note.

    Whenever I hit an 'F#' note on 5th string at 9th fret I get a ringing/buzzing sound coming from the speaker. Could this be something loose inside the amp on the board? I've taken the casing off and did a visual. Couldn't see anything loose. Suggestions would be very helpful at this point...
  11. D

    Lone Star users please explain the Output and Solo feature

    You mean active as in having something such as a pedal plugged in to the return and send ports of the effects loop?
  12. D

    Lone Star users please explain the Output and Solo feature

    I'm a lone star newby...and in the process of learning the nuances of this amp.... I've read the manual...but still have questions. When effect(s) are present in the loop do the output and solo knobs still control levels? How can i use the solo feature as a boost in conjuntion with the FX...
  13. D

    Help: New Lone Star channel switching reverb issue...

    With the reverb dial set to 12:00 on both channels, when I switch from C2 back to C1 (while playing) theres a short delay then a loud sound as if the someone banged on the reverb tank. I know about the built-in reverb delay when switching channels but I'm wondering about the this noise thing...