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  1. V

    Which modern player do you think has that grail tone???

    I love Martone. Fumble Fingers is one of my favorite "effect/tone" songs.
  2. V

    MArk IV vs. Road King

    I got the thiele 1x12 by the way too.
  3. V

    MArk IV vs. Road King

    I simply had to make the decision by thursday. The sooner the better. I went to the music store tried them both out again, and decided I liked the Mark IV better. I'm under serious time constraints for my bands weekend gig this weekend. P.S. We're playing at the venue where the Mars Volta...
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    MArk IV vs. Road King

    I got the Mark IV and it is simply incredible. I will post pictures ASAP. Anyone got any good tones?
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    MArk IV vs. Road King

    Yeah, well I think I'm pretty set on the Mark IV. I'm definetly much more into the prog crazy riffage and runs than the Korn grinding. I just need to find the right cab. Thanks for all of your advice. Keep it coming. Rabies, I'll definetly say hi to LOG for you (literally). Sometimes I run...
  6. V

    MArk IV vs. Road King

    Ok, but does the Mark IV achieve the same volume as the RK? And what would you think the best Mesa cabinet to use would be?
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    MArk IV vs. Road King

    Well, you see, I am absolutely 50/50 torn between the two. My band plays originals that sound something between Rush and Dream Theater and everything in between. There's a lot of technical riffs, sometimes metal chugging, glistening leads, and I'm looking for a good middle ground. Don't think...
  8. V

    MArk IV vs. Road King

    How much more expensive is the Road King Series II than the Series I and if the case is that it is still affordable for me would you recommend the Road King?
  9. V

    MArk IV vs. Road King

    Alright, I'm new here and have been combing through these forums for the proper answer, but I always end up getting mixed feelings. I have the opportunity to buy a Road King Series I Head with a Road King 2x12 Cabinet or I could get the Mark IV Head with a Road King 4x12 Cabinet. The type of...