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The Boogie Board

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  1. L

    Some different Boost/OD options

    Chris, I have a Mark 4, a ts808, and an american strat. I have a really great rythym tone. I want my solos to jump out and my fast picking and legato to be effotless, as on other amps ive tried. Sounds like the treble booster is my next quest.
  2. L

    Fender Appreciation

    I have a 08 malmsteen, its a great guitar but sometimes I wish I had a 3 tone "plain" american standard. The pickups in the malmsteen are very low output, which is cool there very clean, but I think its missing some of that vintage bell bite. I have thought about a mim, but I dont know. Maybe I...
  3. L

    Mark IV, in Simulclass, loud crackle coming out of standby

    I just bought my mrk 4, and sometimes get an intermittant crackle in simulclass with standby OFF while im playing. Do you think that mod could be my prob as well??
  4. L

    Strat Players - What's your favorite Boogie?

    Mark 4 and a malmsteen strat. I cant believe how good it sounds!