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    6L6GC STR-448, 445, 443, and 441...

    They said "Rather than recommending a specific tube, I'll go through the four Mesa branded 6L6s and you can make your own educated decision." Which was kinda underwhelming, because I can already see the descriptions on the website, and like I said, they're written in a way that makes all of them...

    6L6GC STR-448, 445, 443, and 441...

    I captured my IRs close-mic'd and thru reactive load boxes -> IRs, there's quite a noticeable difference between the STR-440 and JJ's, and only half the tracks are coming off the Mark V power amp, the other half are off a solid-state stereo power amp (wet/dry/wet, Mk V is the dry center channel).

    6L6GC STR-448, 445, 443, and 441...

    I've been emailing with MB support and they said the 441 is probably not a good idea if I'm having trouble with boxy low-mids. I want more clarity without necessarily being brighter. I can turn up the presence and treble, but it gets harsh, yet it's still lacking definition in the mids. I...

    Best pedals to improve the Mark series overdrive tone

    Ola Englund has several videos on YT using the Mark V and VII for metal, and they sound great.

    Do you feel it’s a waste…

    Not at all. I probably have a good $1000 just in cables here. At least $20,000 invested in the living room studio. None of it ever leaves the house, but the music I create with it does:

    6L6GC STR-448, 445, 443, and 441...

    6L6GC STR-448, 445, 443, and 441... what's good for what in a Mark V? I do bright, clean clean tones and tight, sharp chugs with thick low-mids. But the low-mids can get boxy and the high end can get harsh by trying to get enough clarity in the mids with the presence knob. I'm gonna need new...

    Best pedals to improve the Mark series overdrive tone

    Yeah, it takes me 8 bands of parametric EQ to get the sound I need. They're minor cuts with much narrower bandwidths than any graphic EQ, but it makes so much difference. Small cuts at 5 different mid frequencies to tame the wonky mids that always stick out, getting a somewhat scooped sound...

    Best pedals to improve the Mark series overdrive tone

    I have a comp, overdrives, 10 band parametric EQ, and sonic maximizers (and more) on my Mark V.

    Best pedals to improve the Mark series overdrive tone

    Every overdrive pedal will give the amp overdrive a different shape and character. I use a few in front of a Mark V. With the gain on the pedals at 0, whatever tone controls they have become extra tone-shaping controls for the amp sound. I have a Wampler Belle, Horizon Devices Precision Drive...

    Using JP2C Preamp with Simul-Class power amp?

    Wow, good to know. That's another huge deal breaker for the VII I've been wanting, the lack of master volume being the other. EQ after the FX return is a terrible spot for EQ, and makes it unusable in a w/d/w rig (the other power amps will be receiving an un-EQ'd signal)... That EQ is an...

    Using JP2C Preamp with Simul-Class power amp?

    On which amp(s)? On the Mark V I have, the FX send is post-EQ and post-reverb. I run a w/d/w rig with it, FX send -> parametric EQ, signal split -> Mk V return for dry and to a stereo FX chain that returns to an old Line 6 Flextone III XL with stereo FX loop and 2x12. The GEQ and reverb is...

    Using JP2C Preamp with Simul-Class power amp?

    It's nice to have a second power amp for the ability to run a stereo FX loop. It's like drugs... since I started using stereo delay and chorus, I can't get my fix off of mono versions anymore. I just can't imagine going back to mono now. But I'm running my Mark V into a 2x12 as the dry center...

    Look what I found! - Any one tried these tubes in The Mark V 90W?

    I've rolled many different brand tubes thru 6 different tube amps. The only significant differences I've really attained are in the amount of gain and the character of the distortion (one config may be more gritty or harsh, and another may be smoother), but the amp always retains its inherent...

    Why Are Mark Vs So Expensive?

    It seems like they were really focused on making it smaller. Two less preamp tubes, no rectifier tube, no front panel space for the master volume and solo boost (and one less footswitch without the solo boost).

    Look what I found! - Any one tried these tubes in The Mark V 90W?

    RCA 12AX7's are usually quite expensive, but I was able to get a used one and it seems to be a tad darker than others, so less harsh. Also, the Mullard CV4004 and The Tube Store 7025 seem to be a bit smoother than new-production 12AX7's. But the differences are subtle, and most noticeable in...

    Look what I found! - Any one tried these tubes in The Mark V 90W?

    I've rolled a bunch of different preamp tubes thru my Mk V 90 (and 5 other tube amps), and all I really get is changes in the amount of gain, but no significant difference in tone. Whatever tubes are in it, it always has its same inherent sound, just with different levels of gain that react to...

    Look what I found! - Any one tried these tubes in The Mark V 90W?

    I just got a NOS JAN Phillips 5751 for $50. I don't like it in the Mark V 90W. Anywhere I put it, it drops the gain too much I had a JJ 5751 a year ago and I don't remember it dropping that much gain, but I didn't have the Mark V yet. It's also one of the only two tubes that have ever burned...

    Why Are Mark Vs So Expensive?

    I recently paid ~$2070 for a used Mark V 90W head and all new tubes. It definitely seems like a fair price compared to the other amps I've had and how much I paid for them. Revv G20: $1350 new Peavey Invective MH: $600 used Marshall DSL20CR: ~$1050 new after a speaker & tube swap. These amps...

    Best curent available EL34 for Mesa Mark V

    Did you have the switch on 6L6 or EL34 for the KT77's?

    Best curent available EL34 for Mesa Mark V

    I think mine was made in 2012. It has the newer all-black footswitch. I did have another one for a minute with the older footswitch with aluminum edges, which also had the EL34 switch, but I had to return that one.