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  1. K

    My Mark III sounds bad!@!!!

    what are your settings??
  2. K

    Mesa Boogie Mark V in Europe [price inside]

    well, you UK guys are lucky people with this price. take a look on the german price: thats about 3.800 USD !! :( ..
  3. K

    Electra Dyne NAMM vid clips?

    not sure if posted before, here is a short vid of the Electra-Dyne in Action. the amp sounds NOT bad!
  4. K

    Petrucci and mark IV 1/30/09.

    very cool, thanks for sharing! .
  5. K

    Current value and collectabilty of the Mark II C+?

    HRGX May 1984 ...and yes, its a C+ :)
  6. K

    Original Mark I incoming

    wow, nice catch, looks like new! beautifull wood! congrats... :)
  7. K

    WTB: Any Mesa/Boogie Short Head???

    Jerry, amp or only a head-cab?
  8. K

    Pics of my baby....

    nice Amp! :)
  9. K


    The amps that are made for the eu-market are wired for 220-240V. If you buy an USA 115V Version you will need a step down transformer 220V->115V.
  10. K

    Mesa's Website - Song?

    Yeah, Andy seems to be a really nice person. And he is a great guitar-player! His music and his tone is just awesome on the latest CD. It was the reason for me to buy a Lonestar! It seems the endorsement-strategy works very well for Boogie! :lol: .
  11. K

    Roadster head, Custom Flightcased *NOW WITH PICS*

    great price! Would like to see some pics...
  12. K

    Mesa's Website - Song?

    "Resolution" from the Andy Timmons Band. :wink:
  13. K

    please delete! thanks

  14. K

    My Mark IIC+ 100/60 signed by Randall Smith

    Now thats some very intersting info! I did not know about. Thanks guys. As I said, the amp sounds still very clear and punchy. So there may still some hours of tube-life left. The pre-owner sent me also a certificate of authenticity with this amp. ( I made the adresses illegibly for...
  15. K

    Original IIC+ pic's...

    900 bucks? :shock: wow! congrats, looks like a time-machine, fantastic!
  16. K

    My Mark IIC+ 100/60 signed by Randall Smith

    I believe the tubes are as old as the amp. But still sounding great! Whats so special about this tubes?
  17. K

    My Mark IIC+ 100/60 signed by Randall Smith

    Just want to share some pics about my newest aquisition. A Mark IIC+ 100/60. First owner was Peter Green of Fleetwood-Mac. Another special thing is that its signed by Mr.Smith himself and has no "+" above the power-cord. I did the loop-test and its confirming to be a "+" ! Here are some pics...
  18. K

    Mark III Settings

    I like the presence on 4.5 on my MkIII Simul-"Blk-Dot" with these settings: Volume: 6.5 (pull) Treble: 4.5 (pull) Bass: 1.5 Middle: 4.0 Master: 3.5 (pull) Lead Drive: 7.0 (pull) Lead Master: 5.5 (pull) thru 4x12 Recto-Cab, Vintage 30`s. EQ Settings: ..
  19. K

    please delete! thanks

    please delete
  20. K

    Short demo video of my newly acquired IIC+

    nice tone man! No problem with using a step-down trafo (230->117V) ? I`ve heard so many times people say it sucks in tone, but I dont know, just curious. C+Simul-Class without export-trannie are way easier to find. ..