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  1. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    I LOVED the cab sims in the Lexicon! And the reverbs and delays... the chorus on clean sounds were great too, but I'm spoiled with my high gain chorus sounds, and the Lex couldn't quite pull off that old Gallen-Krueger 250rl/2000cpl chorus sound or the ADA MP-1 chorus (I've found it in the ISP...
  2. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    Yeah, I actually got the Formula by trading a Torpedo CAB... don't care for all the IR stuff... prefer the analog eq filter stuff... I'm old! Yeah, my Lexicon G2 is LONG gone... it was a great unit, and I had a lot of fun with it. How different are the cleans on each preamp? I like the...
  3. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    Perhaps I should put this in another topic, BUT... I like the cab sim/recording outs on the Formula... stuck a Grid Slammer in front of it, turned the gain to about 2 o'clock on the Lead 2 channel, and it was pretty sweet... not quite as searing at the Theta or what I remember of the Triaxis...
  4. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    Uh, DAMN the cleans are nice on the Formula!!! Only had it for a few hours and sporadically playing around... can't say I care for the high gain too much, but haven't played a lot with that yet... the cleans cover some wide ground, especially flipping between the EMG 57 and SAV in my Charvel...
  5. M

    Who has a cab clone and likes it?

    Hey there all... New to the boards, but I have two Cab Clones and LOVE them. However, I hated it upon the initial 30 minutes or so... I had found great settings on my ISP Theta and the Cab Clone sounded quite bad. Decided to alter the snot out of Theta's EQ and man oh man I love the Cab Clone...
  6. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    Fantastic! Always on the look out for high gain stuff, but that's great to hear... I'll keep you posted when I get it and put it through it's paces. I might just get the Throttle-Box and mess around with it too!
  7. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    Thanks for the info... I'm looking into the Throttle Box to perhaps run in the loop or in front... the ISP Theta serves my high gain needs, but different voices are always great, or I might just use it for cleans... as I recall, the Triaxis gave the Theta a run for it's money in the super, no...
  8. M

    New Guy: Formula Preamp

    Hey all... New to this board... currently have two Cab Clones and despite all the reviews, LOVE THEM. My main sound is an ISP Theta Preamp and I've loved the on board cab sim out and found no analog eq filter cab sims that did it for me quite like that one. On a whim, grabbed up a Cab Clone...