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  1. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    I have one more question - was going to post a new thread but.. I've always had a problem with the FX loop and some pedals - when you have some pedals on (like MXR Phase 100) and hit the FX loop you get an awful, loud, short high pitched squeak. Other pedals like fulltone, Catalinbread etc...
  2. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    Hi bp, Yes I have tried the 2x 12s in the twin with the boogie both before and after I changed them. I definitely love the 2x12 sound and agree with you. It was always my intention to build an extra 1x12 cab to go with the boogie and will do so down the road for sure! Judging by some of the...
  3. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    So to follow up, I bought the Delta Pro 12a and put it in the boogie... had to drill a few new holes and it sits permanently pushing against the reverb tank but... Wow!! still in the honeymoon phase and haven't gigged with it yet but it sounds fantastic!! Nothing new really - same sound and...
  4. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    The Delta pro costs more than $200 in Australia ... Haven't bothered cheching the price of the EV but im sure its ridiculous down here ... oh well
  5. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    LOL :lol: Never heard it called the Petaluma Dragon like that before but it sums it up perfectly! Will call it that from now on :) I was born in the year of the metal dragon so maybe thats why I am drawn to the amp so much lol. Got to say when you get a room with awful acoustics the boogie's...
  6. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    Sorry was meaning my Celestion Black shadow so I had some idea of what I already have. Been trawling the forums for the last few hours and think I'll probably go with the Eminence Delta pro12 Seems like its worth a try. bit pricier than I thought but seems to get good raps. bit worried it might...
  7. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    I have thought about the EV but when I bought the mark iv I tried one with the EV in it and really didn't like it at all. In retrospect it was probably totally un-broken in but it has made me very wary of trying one. I see a lot of people rate the Eminence Delta pro12a as a EV sound-alike and it...
  8. B

    New speaker to revoice my Mark IV combo

    Hi all, this is my first post here. I have owned a Mark ivb short bodied combo with a Celestion black shadow for many years now and have been constantly tweaking in search of the tone I'm after. My last quest ended with me putting EL-34s in there and playing with the pre amp tubes a lot. Am...