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  1. J

    FS/FT: Nomad 100 head - Gone! even has a fresh set of JJ high gain preamp tubes in it now! I'd definitely consider a trade towards a Mark IV. [I'd throw some cash at that deal too!]
  2. J

    Deal breaker?

    Took the words right out of my mouth. Set up an older school Petrucci style rig with 3 of them and a 24 space rack next to them! -dave
  3. J

    nomad mods

    Well, I just did both those mods, and I'm not noticing a huge difference in the bottom end. [Haven't gotten it up to band levels yet tho, that might be the difference. So far just rockin it in my shop.] More comments after I put it through its paces. -dave And I forgot my camera while I had it...
  4. J

    nomad mods

    I can take some virgin nomad pics when I get home tonight, since you were so nice to share those mods with us. Maybe I can do before/after pics/clips too! [we need a smiley that's tenting his fingers like Mr. Burns!] -dave
  5. J

    FS: Brand new Mesa Boogie Roadster

    Does no one bother to read the classified rules or something? not to mention
  6. J

    nomad mods

    And the FX Loop mod! Please? :D
  7. J

    EL34s in your 2:90 (PICTURE) * UPDATE* UPDATE*

    Sorry to dig up an old thread, [ducks flying rocks] but this has me curious. I want to try the 2x6L6 + 2xEL34 [per channel] setup on my 2:ninety but I'm not totally sure which version I have. It has the red light on the front, but it's not a jewel style light, and it has the Stereo Simul-Class...
  8. J

    nomad mods

    If you could say that I might be convinced to keep mine! That's the major reason I'm lookin to lose mine. I'd love to hear all about all the mods for the Nomad. [in one place, maybe a *cough* Nomad subforum?] -dave
  9. J

    Fender Strats with Nomads

    I've got Seymour Duncan Alnico II Pro's in all the positions in my maple neck Strat and I'm really liking them. Still not a real big fan of the bridge pickup sound tho, it's kinda thin for my taste. Definitely help get that huge SRV style blues tone. I've begun to really enjoy my Strat/Nomad 100...
  10. J

    6L6s and EL34s in a Nomad 100?

    I've heard that combining a pair of 6L6s and EL34s in the Mark IVs really brings them to life. Is it possible to do this in the Nomad, 6L6s on the inside and EL34s on the outside? What exactly would this do for the overall tone of the amp? I'm trying to reduce the flubbiness of the low end and...
  11. J

    FS/FT: Nomad 100 head - Gone!

    Gone! Traded it in on a Les Paul Traditional! [freakin' sweet by the way!] Up for sale today is my Nomad 100 head. It's in pretty good shape, a few scuffs here and there, but nothing horrible. I just retubed the head with 4 new Mesa 6L6GCs, less than 5 hours on them now. This thing is the...
  12. J

    Studio Pre Or Not

    I think the Recto Recording Pre would be the best fit for that kind of setup. [assuming you can use recto sounds]
  13. J

    Preamp questions

    I imagine a Studio pre or a Quad would fit the bill nicely. They won't do Recto sounds, but definitely nail the Mark series stuff. A TriAxis would be ideal, but pricey. [love mine] -dave
  14. J

    Weird Lonestar

    Could you take some measurements for us so we can get them made? -dave
  15. J

    Volume setting on 20/20

    I've got a TriAxis/2:Ninety getup goin on, and I prefer to hit the front of the power amp pretty hard. Then I have more available headroom as far as power goes. [not that you'd ever need that much headroom outside an arena tho!] -dave
  16. J

    Preamp for 2: Ninety

    +1 on the TriAxis. It can sing, chime, or slay. Plus you get the neato switching options for your power amp. -dave
  17. J

    Weird Lonestar

    I was bummed when that jumped so high! I really wanted that head, and it was like 10 minutes away from me. We gotta get some measurements and start bugging GTS. -dave
  18. J

    Nomad FX Loop

    I'm interested in the loop mod too! If anybody can find it, it'd be much appreciated. -dave
  19. J

    Quilted Maple to the EXTREME...WOW!

    Add in the fact that that's a c+ too and holy crap! Nice getup! -dave
  20. J

    Quilted Maple to the EXTREME...WOW!

    Wow, that's a beautiful amp! It'd make all my guitars jealous! -dave