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  1. J

    SOLD: Mark IIc+ short head or combo+ext. cab

    Yeah, it pains me, but I need money. This used to be a IIb short combo, but a previous owner sent it in for the upgrade awhile back. I converted it to a short head with a headshell built by our own gts. It came from the factory with all the important stuff: EQ, Simulclass, and an export...
  2. J

    '09 Gibson Les Paul Traditional Plus & '78 "The Paul"

    Well, I'm poor. I need money. Here's what's going up on the chopping block: Well, I hate to do it, because I love the freakin' thing, but alas...bills to pay. Bought this thing less than a year ago, it's in brand new shape. Not many miles on it, one of a few main axes. All original except for...
  3. J

    Please help me with my new Triaxis Rig! I have QUESTIONS...

    I have the same rig and I love it! The G-Major's noise gate works perfect for me. I love being able to save all the patches and call up all kinds of changes with one press of a footswitch. Plus the tone! [oh man, the tone!] -dave
  4. J

    Mesa power section is killing me!

    Yeah, I'd say definitely listen to these guys, bias adjustments can make it "feel" and sound a lot better in quieter applications. Plus if you ask me, a bias pot is a good selling point if/when the time comes! -dave p.s. Congrats on being a well spoken, intelligent 19 year old! Always good to...
  5. J

    oversized recto cab and standard recto

    They were never actually called "oversized." The cab your looking for is called the Recto Standard. The small one [formerly the Recto Traditional] is now called the Stiletto cab. -dave
  6. J

    Effect Loop Troubles

    Try jumping the effects send to the return with just a cable. I know on the older Boogies the contacts in the return switch inside the jack can get messed up, causing the problem you're describing. -dave
  7. J

    line 6 pod pro in MTR loop

    That's a little backwards. Here's how it should go: guitar -> recto input recto fx send -> pod line input [on the back] pod line output -> recto fx return -dave
  8. J

    What to buy?

    If your head at the end of that chain has an effects loop, try running into its return instead. It could be you're loading the pre of the head up too much. -dave
  9. J

    What to buy?

    If you play live a lot, I'd recommend the TriAxis. It is very nice to have more than 2 [Studio] 3 [Mark IV] or 4 [Quad] sounds to choose from. Put a 2:Ninety behind it, turn on deep and modern and you'll have a freakin huge Mark series sound. I actually prefer my TriAxis rig to my IIc+. [but...
  10. J

    Please help me build my first Mesa rack!

    Looks very nice man, congrats on some excellent purchases! You will be finding new sounds for years! -dave
  11. J

    Triaxis effects loop

    Also, the TriAxis has a bunch of outputs...why not use one of the others? Most rack effects can split a mono input into stereo outs. -dave
  12. J

    Metal Tones from Nomad 100 Head???

    I had good luck with a Tube Screamer in front of channels 2 and 3, but it still wasn't what I really wanted. In the end it turns out I'm a Mark series guy and was running in circles trying to make my Nomad sound like one. For what it's worth, Monsta-Tone can mod your amp a bunch to make it...
  13. J

    Custom 22 or Les Paul?

    I looked at the Carvins, but wasn't sold. [they had a LOT in stock which to me means there were a lot of returns] I have a DC400 that I do like though. So you think the California Carved Tops stack up with the PRS and LPs? -dave
  14. J

    Custom 22 or Les Paul?

    I actually went back and forth for a while and finally decided on the Les Paul traditional. It just felt more beefy in my hands with the fat neck. The PRS felt fragile and a little too light. -dave
  15. J

    ft switchable drive?

    A little tip for punching holes in sheet metal: step drills are your friend! They make drilling very round holes very easy. -dave
  16. J

    Reeder Mod correcting a "defect" the way people talk

    You've gotta give it more than a day man! It's gonna take a while to find the new relationship between the controls. -dave
  17. J

    Split-Screen Covers / DT Tribute - 2nd Song: Metropolis Pt.1

    Wow. I guess I can get sell all my instruments now, 'cause I'll never hold a candle to that. You guys are unbelievable! -dave
  18. J

    Compressors in FX loop?

    Crap. Yes, that's what I mean. I should really think before I type. "Parallel loops are for the birds." is what I meant to say. -dave
  19. J

    Wow, Lonestar 2x12, MASSIVE disapointment, and DEAD output.

    Do yourself a favor and get the amp looked at before you decide on getting something else. The Lonestar is a fantastic amp and should have miles of clean headroom on the 100w setting. How are you acquiring these broken amps? Maybe it's time to find a new source, cause most people have very few...
  20. J

    Compressors in FX loop?

    The mod is super simple. [like seriously 5-7 minutes once you have the chassis out. I'd say it can benefit everybody who uses the loop at all. Serial loops are for the birds. -dave