If you're looking in that price range, don't forget the Axess Electronics FX1
That's what I'm saving for. Looks like the best one out there to me, and has a great editor program.
I was under the impression that none of the TriAxis versions came from the factory with the "Phat Mod" and that the mod was mostly just a revoicing of the Dynamic Voice control. From what I've read, it seems like there was the first version with no recto board, a version with the recto board...
Well, for rack effects, I like my G-Major. It has compressor and noise gate in it, but to my ear my 166xl has a more musical compression. I only use it for cleans though.
One SM57 per cabinet, about 1/4" from the grille, pointed straight on at the intersection of the dust cap and speaker cone. My favorite way to figure out the ideal spot is to put on some headphones and listen to what the mic's putting out, then adjust till I find the sweet spot.
Another good one to put on the list is the Shure Beta 56A...basically the same as the good old fashioned 57, but in a more guitar friendly package. [no more bumping into the cable and messing up your perfect mic placement!]
Seems to me they might be doing the first ones only in one length, just to meet demand. Once they fill all the initial orders, I imagine they'd release a short chassis option. [short heads and combos look so cool!]
Those short heads look sweet! [love the blue/silver!] Are all the chassis the same length? Like if I had a 2x12 LSC, could I convert it to the short head?
I think it has a loop...isn't that what the Pre Out/Pwr In part is? Its got the return on the bottom. I've put stuff in that loop...it's a pain to get to, but it works. The cab is original as far as I know. I was playing it yesterday, and I couldn't get the reverb to work...not sure if it came...