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  1. swbo101

    Does the Mark IV sound like the V?

    2¢ ---- lol thx!
  2. swbo101

    Does the Mark IV sound like the V?

    I haven't used stock Mesa tubes on my IV for many, many years (except for the V4 reverb driver). I do agree that new production tubes today are not the same, but with that in mind....... I've been using the following to great success, at least to my ears. V1 - Tung-Sol (RI) V2 - JJ V3 - JJ V4...
  3. swbo101

    Does the Mark IV sound like the V?

    I believe he means the Mark IV extreme mode ON the Mark V
  4. swbo101

    The Mark III is awesome

    I wouldn’t necessarily say that. The IV is definitely more compressed and refined than the III in the lead channel. You may be confusing that with being “restrained”. The IV is still a very high gain amp. Both are excellent but are voiced differently and you just need to find your taste...
  5. swbo101

    Buying tubes for a Mark IV

    Another vote for the =C=. I am currently running a 6L6/EL34 combo in my Mark IV. Just make sure that who ever you buy from sells you middle rated SEDs. Then they will run fine. I always buy from I also have a quad of SEDs =C= 6L6 for my Mark IV.
  6. swbo101

    Info On Mesa 12AT7 Tubes?

    +1 I only use an AT7 in my Mark IV as a reverb driver.
  7. swbo101

    CD Repair

    Yes, it's just a scratch. It's on a cd from an out of print boxed set, I just can't go out and buy that exact mastering of the cd. Much appriciated.
  8. swbo101

    CD Repair

    Has anyone ever brought a damaged CD to a store that offers CD repair? You know, the ones that use an actual machine and not those cheap plastic things you buy in a Best Buy. Just wondering if they actually work. A local store by me only charges $2, the price is nothing. I just don't want it...
  9. swbo101

    Mark 4 > Mark 3 ?

    I have to agree with this. I've had my Mark IV for over 20 years with no foot pedal issues.
  10. swbo101

    Where to buy tubes from?
  11. swbo101

    Does the Mark IV sound like the V?

    Unfortunately or fortunately the only way to know is play both and then decide. It's never fun picking between two like these when they are sooo close. I agree, you should buy both! :wink:
  12. swbo101

    Best swirly effect?

    I've had a Roto-vibe for over 20 years. Been happy with that.
  13. swbo101

    Does the Mark IV sound like the V?

    I own a IV and have played a V. This was my feelings. The clean channel for both was about even, maybe a very slight push to the V, which was a bit rounder. The bass controls on the V didn't make the amp flubby on the V like it tends to do on the IV. The R2 was much better in the V, not even...
  14. swbo101


    It's getting difficult watching all these guys that I grew up listening to leave. RIP.
  15. swbo101


    lol...funniest post I've read in a while.
  16. swbo101

    Mark 4 > Mark 3 ?

    You really need to listen to them. It's more than the III having shared channels. The amps have different sounds. Most on this board have commented that the IV's lead is a bit more compressed and refined opposed to the III's. I own and IV and have played a III, but not in a REALLY long time...
  17. swbo101

    Mesa Boogie STR-440 6L6 RED?

    All Boogies are fixed bias, with that said, all boogie labeled tubes will go in all boogie amps since they are within the mid range of the bell curve that they are looking for. The color combinations are in an even smaller subset of that mid range bell curve. So bottom line, if you use any...
  18. swbo101

    Mesa Boogie STR-440 6L6 RED?

    Do you really need red? You can put another color mesa labeled tube, as long as they are matched.
  19. swbo101

    Hi, new guy here.

    Welcome John. You'll find that just about everyone here on this site's very helpful in any questions or opinions that you may have. This is definitely one of the best sites out there.