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  1. swbo101

    Old and New !

    Congrats and welcome aboard. I don't own a V, but a IV A. I'm sure that other V owners will chime in with some good settings to start you off with!
  2. swbo101

    Good pedal to put in front of a Mesa to overdrive it?

    I have an old 80's Pro Co Rat that I have in front of a Mark IV A. The gain is set low but the volume is up. I only use it for some boost in Ch 1 & 2.
  3. swbo101

    Mark IV Headshell conversion pics - indigo

  4. swbo101

    Best curent available EL34 for Mesa Mark V

    I'm partial to the new production Tung-Sols.
  5. swbo101

    So I've got a mark IV "B" what's a Roadster give me if anything ?

    +1 as someone who has had a Mark IV for a good 33 years now.
  6. swbo101

    Mark IV clean tones, tube swaps, and settings

    I own Mark IV A. long head paired with a 4 x 12. I use 6L6, EL34 combo. However at times, I have switched out to all 6V6 tubes. That'll give you some of those late 60's Fender Bassman sounds (really close) if you are looking for that for early 70’s Pink Floyd.
  7. swbo101

    What Mesa has the best cleans?

    The Mark IV with 6v6 tubes in Tweed mode, is very close to a Fender Bassman sound.
  8. swbo101

    Mark VII?

    According to them the Mark VI was a secret prototype. lol True.
  9. swbo101

    Jeff Beck

    I can't believe he's gone. He was well and beyond my favorite. I first heard him in the late 70's. I was still in grammar school. Heard Wired. I was just starting to play guitar and after hearing that, I was like, THAT'S IT!!! Sorry, but no one could match him. His phrasings and his...
  10. swbo101

    headphones use question

    I own a Mark IV. I've never tried to use a headphone in the recording line out. However I can tell you that the head DOES require a speaker load. Even if you are doing direct/silent recording out. Hope this helps.
  11. swbo101

    Mark IV, weird fx loop issue

    Never had that issue, but you can look up which pre-amp tubes power the FX loop and try replacing them. That would be my next test. Good luck.
  12. swbo101

    Back with Boogie MKIV but has some issues

    LOL, well I'm a bit younger, 55 & still lug my Mark IV head with my 4x12 cab. I will say, I don't move those as quick as I used to though.
  13. swbo101

    Back with Boogie MKIV but has some issues

    I have to agree, over the past 8 years it has gotten much quieter. 10+ years ago it was a different thing. Not sure what happened.
  14. swbo101

    Back with Boogie MKIV but has some issues

    You should definitely hear a difference between R1 & R2, even at lower volumes. The pull shift, are you talking about the presence or the gain. Again you should hear a difference even at lower volumes with both.
  15. swbo101

    EL34 MK IV Question

    The EL-34s that I have for my MK IV A (SED winged C & New production Tung-Sols) are listed at 29 ma. The highest I ever put in was at 43ma with no issues, but upper 20's is the norm. Hopes this helps.
  16. swbo101

    Will any EL34/6L6's work in my Mark III?

    I'm not a big fan of some of MESA's EL-34s. They do however have NOS EL34s of the SED =C= tubes (last I checked several weeks ago). They are pricy, but well worth the $$$$$$. I still have a stash of them and swear by them. Again the TUNG-SOLS EL34s aren't bad either. However the 6L6s will...
  17. swbo101

    Mark IV A effects loop

    Just as a followup...... It was the MXR analog chorus that was causing the volume drop in the loop. I moved it to the front and it sounds fine, actually better. I contacted Dunlop and they said the Rotovibe can go anyway, just however it sounds good to you. No real hard rules for that...
  18. swbo101

    Will any EL34/6L6's work in my Mark III?

    I'm a big fan of the newer Tung-sols. I would go to Tube Depot. Just tell them the type of amp and they will match. I've been buying from them for years.
  19. swbo101

    Mark IV A effects loop

    Thanks. I have thought of taking it out of the loop, but before I built my pedal board, I put it in the loop (by itself) & it sounded better to me than in front. Though I'm starting to re-think that approach. I'll be doing some rearranging this weekend to test.
  20. swbo101

    Mark IV A effects loop

    Yeah, that was my next step. I can say for sure it's not the carbon copy since I've recently used that in the loop by itself. So you really think the Rotovibe is best in front? I assumed that since it has phase and vibrato effect (separately) it would be best in the loop, but I could be...