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The Boogie Board

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  1. E

    My Mark Five 90 is trashed/ Resolved 2/14/22

    At 63, I've got lots more patience now. Try to relax and rest easy. I just got my MKIV back after 2 month wait. Mike Bendinelli did my amp, and might be the only guy servicing the Marks at the moment? Just got a brand new MKV 90W Combo. I won't be surprised if it has some problems inside the...
  2. E

    2022: MKV 90W Combos are arriving.....finally.

    I finally got mine. Guitar Sanctuary in Mc Kinney, TX got six in on Monday. Anyone else waiting on a new one this year get theirs? .......and jeez what a dead ass forum.
  3. E

    Back with Boogie MKIV but has some issues

    Well, I don't either.....I just move more carefully. ;)
  4. E

    Back with Boogie MKIV but has some issues

    Well...I'm 63 and still schlepping my MKIV EV12L Combo. These damned people will need walkers next.
  5. E

    Mesa Customer Support....MKIV content.

    You have some great old amps there. I was reluctant to send mine in at first. I usually do all my own work being an Electrical Engineer and ham radio operator most of my adult life (I'm 63). In fact my first of 2 MKIV's, I did the cap job myself. I did fine with that one, but I took my time...
  6. E

    The Mark IV thread....!!

    Send it to Mesa before Mike Bendinelli before he retires, which is soon. Pull all the tubes and send in just the chassis. I promise you he can get that amp back to new spec faster than anyone, and it is worth every penny! I promise you no one, and I mean no one does better, neater, cleaner...
  7. E

    Mark II Just Came Home

    Awesome stuff there! Mike Bendinelli is close to retirement according to the gang. Y'all get your vintage Boogies to him soon. Just got my 92 MKIV-A back from them yesterday. Like a new amp and sounding better than I ever remember!
  8. E

    Back with Boogie MKIV but has some issues

    I just got mine back from Mesa Friday. Sent in just the chassis. New electrolytics and tubes all the way around, along with general cleaning of pots, jacks, switches and minor tweaks here and there. Man it's like a new amp and sounding better than I ever remember. Mike Bendinelli is amazing...
  9. E

    Mesa Customer Support....MKIV content.

    I highly recommend you send it in soon. And if you're comfortable doing so, pull all the tubes and send in just the chassis. Get all new tubes. It's not as expensive as you think. Package it yourself and don't let the clowns at the UPS/FedX branded stores do it (especially FedX). The Godfather...
  10. E

    Mesa Customer Support....MKIV content.

    Mesa still has some of the best service on the planet. Just got my 92 MKIV A from Mike Bendinelli after cap job, all new tubes, and other service. No way I could do everything on the invoice in 3.25hrs. 01/05/22 Mike Bendinelli: A shorted .1/400 v cap at the bass for ch 3 caused the static...
  11. E

    Problems with your Mark's you.

    The JP2C did not work out. I sent it back and got my money back. In the meantime, while waiting on the MKV 90W I ordered from Sweetwater, I traded in a Carr MKV towards a MKV 35 Combo. Now we're talkin'! I may cancel my MKV 90W order. I'm really that impressed and happy with the MKV 35. The...
  12. E

    Has anyone received a new JP2C with the new Schumacher transformers?

    I've played thru many iterations of Mark series amps thru the years. All of them (even 2C/2C+) cut like a lazer with reserve to spare. Some of the most muscular cutting amps I've ever played thru. My only other amps that will compete with them are my Wizards and My SLO100. And I am NOT A BED...
  13. E

    Brand new JP2C owner here. Looking for help.

    Hello out there. Before I send this thing back to Mesa for evaluation, hopefully one of the great minds here can help me out...................I've played thru numerous iterations of Mesa Marks thru the years. The one thing I found with virtually all of them was their ability to cut and sit...
  14. E

    Has anyone received a new JP2C with the new Schumacher transformers?

    I cannot say the same. Mine does not set as well in the mix or cut like my MKIV-A. It doesn't sound bad, just does not have the muscle of my MKIV in any channel or mode. I will spend some time with it, but it will probably either go back to Mesa, or returned to the dealer. Not impressed...
  15. E

    Problems with your Mark's you.

    Yup......applies across multiple amps and countless combinations of all kinds of gear. Gotta a new MKV 90W Combo on order, hopefully to be here Jan2022. A long time MKIV A user here. Just got a brand new JP2C and Thiele Cab (just installed a EV12L Classic in it) to go with it. My Wizards...
  16. E

    JP2C Registry

  17. E

    Gain issue + 443 vs 440 power tubes

    What was wrong with it?
  18. E

    Has anyone received a new JP2C with the new Schumacher transformers?

    Just bought this new a week ago. Under the hood.
  19. E

    Where is Mike Bendinelli's shop?

    I hear rumor he will retire soon. Any truth to this? Hoping to get a 1992 MKIV-A to him while he's still at it.
  20. E

    Master One pot value

    I've found component values all over the place on various Mesa Schematics. Mike Bendinelli has been with Mesa forever and is always my "go to guy" for the Mark Series Amps. Why the hell don't you just contact Mesa direct and ask? That would be the simplest thing to do!!! Unless Mike has...