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  1. D

    My in-depth Mark V review

    Great review. Very thorough. One tip. On the Mark I mode, (I) NEVER use the preset, or the EQ with 80 or 240 above flat. Boosting the bass with the sliders is the sole reason I couldn't bond with Mark I when I first got the amp. The best tones I've gotten from it were with the bass control...
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    NAD - Mark V 25 - Need Some Cab Advice

    Sort of off topic, but I LOVE that grill cloth. That looks great!
  3. D

    Which big recto sounds like my Mini Rec?

    I'm cool. LOL 8) I was just not understanding why I was getting all "don't buy a bigger one" responses. I KNOW none sound exactly like my Mini. I was asking which one is voiced more like it. I have a V25 and a V. I understand the differences in the channels they both have but can also...
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    TA V2 wishlist thread

    I actually sold mine. Still loved it, but a once in a lifetime deal came up on a Mark V and I needed the last few hundred bucks quick to get it. I think Mesa has gotten sidetracked with the overwhelming success of the Mark V25, and now the 35. I'm guessing this got put on the back burner when...
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    NAD - Mark V 25

    Indeed it does! Enjoy it!
  6. D

    Which big recto sounds like my Mini Rec?

    So, the consensus is, don't buy a big one, because it won't sound like a bigger version of what I have... which means my Mini Rec doesn't sound like a recto... (since they obviously DO)... hmmm. I've heard lots of recorded rectos and my Mini has "that" sound (or those sounds). As loud and...
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    Dear Mesa...

    apparently this is a bigger boo boo than I had realized. Thank God I didn't say I wanted a boutique Plexi! :lol:
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    Mark V:35 Review and thoughts

    Glad you're enjoying the amp. I have the V25 and I love it.
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    Which big recto sounds like my Mini Rec?

    After almost selling my Mini Rec 25 to fund bigger amps (my Mark V) I have been just absolutely loving it lately. So much, that I'm considering a big Recto. I've read a lot about them here and all the revisions and changes over the years can be a bit much when looking for used ones... most of...
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    5: 25 Problem

    Maybe you plugged the speaker into the loop return. :shock: Yeah, something else must have happened. That wouldn't hurt anything.
  11. D

    Back to the big daddy Mark V

    Have you been experimenting with mids knob vs. 750 slider much?
  12. D

    Playing lead on a Recto (Mesa pedal content)

    I'll definitely check one out for my Mini Rec. So far, my favorite solo pedals with it are my SHO clone and my Fulldrive 3.
  13. D

    Mark V:25 Max Volume

    Wow! Not bad indeed.
  14. D

    Best Speakers For Stiletto Ace

    I know you asked for opinions from guys who had one and had swapped the speaker. I don't, so I haven't. Just wanted to say, I think you were on the right path right off the bat. The first two speakers I'd look at would be the Scumback M or Scumback J LD. One of those will probably be the...
  15. D

    Back to the big daddy Mark V

    Yes, you're adding two gain stages, so of course it's not completely imperceptible. In my amp though, it's very minor. Honestly, some may perceive it as an improvement. But, last night I took the knobs off my "matched" settings and if you don't have the loop knob in it's best spot, for...
  16. D

    Mark V:25 Gain Drop on CH2

    I think you're good to go. When I get a new amp, pedal, etc. I always give all the switches a few flips and roll the knobs around. Switches especially can sometimes need a few cycles to work properly. I've had several amps and pedals that were purchased new that had switches that were a bit...
  17. D

    Back to the big daddy Mark V

    Loop knob at noon. When I was using it on all the time, I had channel volumes near noon per what I had read about them sounding better turned up at least around there when using the master. I had the master between 10:00 and 11:00 depending on how loud I wanted it. Turning off the loop means...
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    Back to the big daddy Mark V

    I saw that. Was asking in real world terms, how much difference it makes. It's way too to easy to perceive any change in volume as a big "improvement." When careful level matching, I found it wasn't enough of an improvement to give up 3 features on the amp for. If anyone else wants or needs...
  19. D

    Mark V:25 Gain Drop on CH2

    I don't know what you mean by "sudden drop" in volume, but my C2 has to be much higher on the master than C1 does to match volumes. With C1 on fat, gain at noon, the volume at 9:00 is almost too loud for home. I play at 8:00-8:30. C2 rides at 10:00 or higher to match the volumes. I've played...
  20. D

    Dear Mesa...

    I've always wanted a boutique-ish Marshall type. I haven't played an Ace but have listened to lots of clips and was actually following leads on a couple of them when my Mark V came along. I think the ability to switch between tite and fluid would make that an amp I had to have. I'll might get...