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  1. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    I'm lost on why you'd have issues with power tubes in 45 watt/variac settings. I played my V with all 3 channels on 45 watt mode and variac, for weeks of playing every night when I first got it. Stock 6L6s, but they state the obvious in the manaul, and again in a thread just recently... the...
  2. D

    V30 Speaker buzzing, advice please?

    Buzzing is not part of breaking in. From your explanation, it's a problem with the speaker. If you had a sample recorded, we might be of more help, but sounds like you've got a bad speaker.
  3. D

    Edge Mode Sample ("Plush" cover)

    I appreciate you taking the time to show this! I don't have that OD pedal, but I'm sure I can find one of mine to cover that part of the tone. I'll try this one soon. Be interesting to see how that EQ set pans out with the 2x12 vertical recto cab.
  4. D

    Throttle box eq - My (initial) quick review

    Thanks for posting this. Us Mesa amp guys just don't look down here in the pedal section often enough.
  5. D

    Edge Mode Sample ("Plush" cover)

    How much of the gain was from the OD808? Using as boost only, or adding some drive with it?
  6. D

    Edge Mode Sample ("Plush" cover)

    Yes, sounds really good. Got a pic of the settings used?
  7. D

    My JP-2C is on the way!

    Nice group of amps for sure. Archon still in the lead. Nice!
  8. D

    Mark V No No's!

    Tubes will wear out. But you won't make them "fail" immediately buy turning up preamp, or power amp, or whatever. Many guys gig these and as crazy as it sounds, some gig them opened up. They are made to run wide open safely and your ears should fail before the amp. Perhaps something else is...
  9. D

    Mini Recto Update Wishlist

    That's exactly what I'd do if I wanted to gig with it.
  10. D

    Finally got a Royal Atlantic.Very happy I did

    Congrats on the amp. I've always wanted to try one but have never had the chance.
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    Mini Recto Update Wishlist

    Make the metal cab just enough bigger to get 2 6L6's and some bigger iron in there. 8)
  12. D

    NAD Mark III

    I'll give you $880 right now and you can have a quick 10% profit! :mrgreen: Wow, what a score! That should be a KILLER setup. Congrats on the new rig. Smokin!
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    NAD : Rectoverb 25

    Congrats on the amp!
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    My JP-2C is on the way!

    Nice! Can't wait to hear what you think of it.
  15. D

    Any one have a Mini Recto Slant Cab?

    If someone doesn't beat me to it, I can measure it tomorrow night.
  16. D

    orderd a quad of G12H-75 Creambacks

    Just checking in to let you know I'm following all your comments on speaker swapping with great interest.
  17. D

    Mark V knobs

    Checked out that photo and you are right. That red dots would help... a little. Your solution seems like some work, but very nice results!
  18. D

    Mark V knobs

    I agree completely. My Mini Rec looks great and sounds great, but seeing the knobs is a PITA! I think I'm going to get some bright red dots to put in the dimples or something.
  19. D

    Which big recto sounds like my Mini Rec?

    Appreciate all the input!