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  1. D

    Show us your custom finish Recs.

    That looks rather sinister! You haven't gone over to the dark side on me, have you? :lol:
  2. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    oh yeah, we've all had that sale regret... got to sell something you really like to fund something you just KNOW you're going to like even better. And even if you do, you still liked what you sold enough to want it back. This is EXACTLY how I feel about my TA15... just a great little amp and I...
  3. D

    Pop, snap, odd sounds then works fine.

    Thanks for the tip. I'll try that.
  4. D

    Pop, snap, odd sounds then works fine.

    Glad you got it worked out and it was nothing major. So you're saying you take down each channel volume instead of the master, when playing lower volume gigs? Interesting. Before I got mine, I read so many people say to "keep the channel volumes up to around noon and turn down master for...
  5. D

    Mark III blue stripe vs Mini Rectifier/Rectoverb

    Enjoy it! I've had a lot of fun with my Mini Recto. After I made the posts above, I opened up the Mini Rec, which I hadn't done in quite a while. But last night, I opened up my V25 also. I'm talking Master between 3:00 and dimed on both channels>2x12 vertical recto cab. Opening up the...
  6. D

    Replacement Speaker

    There is a 10" Celestion V, and a cheaper but good Warehouse 10 that's similar. Depending on what you want, I like greenback type speakers with the Mark V25 as well, so the Warehouse ET or greenback type would be nice if you want more mid focused, less upper mid spike type tones.
  7. D

    speaker suggestions for mesa stiletto ace

    With this amp, I'd use Scumback M's.
  8. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    Funny isn't it? You can have 3-4-5 GREAT amps, the amps you always wanted or dreamed of... then you find one that just pushes the right buttons and you want to play it all the time. I force myself to rotate between the V, V25, Mini Rec and PRS Custom 50. They all sound GREAT. There is one...
  9. D

    4x12 vs 2x12

    You're not in the US, right? Just wondered because the US price for a Thiele cab is not very expensive.
  10. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    My problem with that is simple. I've tried it before with other amps. Live or at home, I can't have a balancing act where if I bump a volume control I'm suddenly knocking things off the walls, scaring the crap of the the dogs and angering the wife. I had a friend suggest the "crank the amp...
  11. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    You just made my day! Thanks!!!! I've avoided it for quite a while now. Time to change out some tubes.
  12. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    I left out something important. My settings above were with the bright switch on on C3. Now, before you say "well hey moron, you're fighting the ice pick, just turn off the bright switch," I did turn it off and have noted before that I got the "blanket over the speakers" effect. More...
  13. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    Interesting, as another thing I've told several members here lately was that after fighting the ice pick for months, I thought through it and instead of doing what everyone else does (that extreme V curve) I turned down 80 to flat... BOOM gone, MUCH better, then I thought "2200 is just below the...
  14. D

    Mark V owner review of JP-2C (multi page post)

    Thing that bothers me is, 3 posts up, just reading the first paragraph description of your V tells me clearly that something is WRONG with it. Not just the bias, but the sound. The things you're describing sure don't jibe with what I hear when I play mine. Heck, I've had mine long enough to...
  15. D

    Can it do mark v crunch or mark 1 type leads?

    I'm really surprised to hear all you guys saying the JP2C can get the Mark 1 tones. The Mark 1 setting on my V is a BEAST of a tone, and is VERY different than any other setting on it, or any other Boogie I've played or heard except for the Mark I that a guy I knew had many years ago. And, I...
  16. D

    Mark V knobs

    It is! And I, like DLP, prefer the "look" of the originals. But like I said, my Mini Rec knobs are a PITA to see. They look cool though. 8) :lol:
  17. D

    Mark III blue stripe vs Mini Rectifier/Rectoverb

    Another great post!!! With all the "my 100 watter sounds better at low volume than your 25 watter" posts, this gives a lot of good perspective. I always "really liked" but didn't "love" my PRS Custom 50. After owning it for 3 months, one day when the wife was gone, I turned it up half way. I...
  18. D

    Mark III blue stripe vs Mini Rectifier/Rectoverb

    I would never tell someone not to buy a Mark V, or especially one of the classic Mark amps. Or a big Recto Dual or something. Many will swear that this or that amp has such a good master volume, that it sounds better even at low volume than a smaller amp. Sometimes that is the case. But what...
  19. D

    Mark III blue stripe vs Mini Rectifier/Rectoverb

    Great post. Listen to a guy who has been around and played a bunch of them. I have a Mark V 25, Mini Recto and Mark V. The one that blows me away every time I turn it on is the V25. The one that sounds great "sometimes" is the Mark V. I am starting to think that the Mark V might be more amp...