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  1. V

    Loss of bass in dual rectifier 100watts

    You cant reliably check tube just by looking at them. Unless the glass has failed but usually that means no sound at all. Sign of wear would be faded markings on the tube, but that’s not enough. Get atleast on new preamp tube and pair of poweramp tubes, or use tubes you know are working (e.g...
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    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    Interesting speculation. Mark2b price was 650usd+options. So fully loaded combo would’ve been 1150usd. Anvil case was 100usd. I have one of those upstairs and it serves as a livingroom table. That 1150 would be 3,5k in 2023. Which sounds really affordable. If they would reissue it, would it be...
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    What are Mesa Boogie going to do about the tube scarcity?

    That’s how i see it as well. Prices went up about 10-15% just like everything else but tubes are readily available. After the covid there seems to be market for 2nd hand tubes which is weird. I personally would not buy used tubes as who knows how much life they have left in. People also seem to...
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    Mark IIB voicing...bassy?

    This is more or less my experience as well. Mine was fully loaded -83 with hardwood headshell. I never was able to make the lead channel work for me. It did not have ’presence’. You could make it painfully bright, but it did have attack, sound was mushy and overly compressed. No amount of tube...
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    Mark IIb head shell build

    Gorgeous! Great choise of colour.
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    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    That is most likely true. But, my gut feeling is that profit margin is so much higher in production model (MK7) that financially this does not make sense. You know, instead of churning out Mark7s, they would allocate the resources in building MK2C+ reissues. Because of the agricultural...
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    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    ..and each iteration is more desirable. Hype sells, why remove the holy grail status from iic+ by reissuing. It may be that proper reissue would have lower profit margin compared to mk5-7 due to more labour intensive construction combined with limited volume they are able to put out.
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    Should Mesa Boogie reissue the Mark IIC+ ?

    I have really hard time believing a tranny could not be reproduced. It is really simple device and it obeys laws of physics. There is wealth of material know-how and analysis equipment readily available. Moreover using simulations you could most likely avoid few iteration steps if one particular...
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    Mark III as a One channel amp and never look back

    Channel switching amps are anyhow overrated! The lead channel on mk3 alone already covers everything i need. It cleans up just fine. I do like the cleans quite a bit but clean clean is not something i have use for. Over the years i’ve had up to 4 channel amps and it’s always one or two base...
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    Something new on the way?

    I think Mesa is going to release a lawsuit. And they will have an event you can participate if you pay for it. Slimey veasel is going to be there with beard and overgrown hipster haircut. Maybe a leather jackect on. That's gibson for you. Earlier poster said it has been awhile and no sign of...
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    Mesa Boogie Studio 22

    Drool. I'd love to have a hardwood studio amp. Front panel says studio series just like my '86. I think later on it was changed to .22 caliber or something similar. I think these are sleepers, sound really good both clean and dirty.

    I would never dare to sell anything on reverb. Once had an issue when the item was not as described. I tried to talk to the seller to meet me halfway. On a guitar frets were completely worn out and atleast one was loose. And neck had a crack. None of this was mentioned in the description...
  13. V

    Mark III headshell plans?

    Resurrecting old thread. Could anyone help me out and maybe share plans/drawings for a boogie headshell? That would be epic! Gonna have hardwood headshell made locally by a carpenter and would like to get it right the first time :)