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  1. B

    Mark V face plates

    Evidently, these can be ordered from Mesa dealers. In case anyone else wanted to know.
  2. B

    Mark V face plates ^This is the cream/black face plate that I want. I didn't want to call internationally, but I guess I'll try that tomorrow.
  3. B

    Les Paul Pickup suggestions for high gain leads

    I've tried a ton of pickups with my LPC, running through my Mark V. Many Duncans, DiMarzios, and EMGs. I've actually ended up going back to the stock 498T/490R set. These aren't perfect either, but I find them to be the best fit to this particular LP. I've also tried the Aldrich pickups, but...
  4. B

    Mark V face plates

    Anyone know if/where I can get the cream & black face plate for my Mark V? I e-mailed Mesa Boogie a couple of days ago, but I thought I'd also check in with you guys. Does Mesa actually sell these? I love this amp, but the black-on-black looks a bit bleh IMO. :mrgreen: