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  1. R

    Mesa 50/50 Power amp Problems

    No the noise is always there no matter if the light is on or off. my friend has more recent but still second hand 50/50 and his does make some noise, but not to the extent of mine. Yes i must try the pre amp valves. i dont have spares though. By taking them out and putting them in one by one...
  2. R

    Mesa 50/50 Power amp Problems

    Thanks for the response, Yeah im going to get it checked by a tech hopefully. The light problem may well just be a dodgy light bulb, but it is strange, surely if it was a problem with the bulb it would just not work?? As for the hum, it is there when the volume is turned to zero and worse when...
  3. R

    Mesa 50/50 Power amp Problems

    Any help would be great thanks
  4. R

    Mesa 50/50 Power amp Problems

    Hey, new to the board. Signed up cause i need some help with my mesa boogie 50/50. My set up is as follows Mesa 50/50 Poweramp (second hand, early ninties model) Rocktron Prophecy Preamp- Midi Foot controller Wah Guitar Been having problems with my sound, really bad hum coming from the 50/50...