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  1. C

    Rectoverb effects loop noise

    I tried replacing the 12AX7 in V4 and the vibrato type noise continues. I also tried replacing each of the 5 12AX7's one at a time to see if it was another tube, but the noise continues as well. Thanks
  2. C

    Rectoverb effects loop noise

    Wow, cool thanks for the info!
  3. C

    Rectoverb effects loop noise

    Great thanks for the tech tip!
  4. C

    Rectoverb effects loop noise

    I have a Rectoverb series 2 and sounds great without any problems except when I use the effects loop. When I use a delay or reverb pedal it sound fine for about 10 seconds then it starts making a sound like a fast vibrato. I tried the pedals on a different amp and they work fine. Any suggestions...