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  1. V

    WANTED: Part for TriAxis (Optocoupler).

    Hey All I'm in desperate need of the below Optocoupler as NO ONE in denmark can get one as a spare part.... So if anyone have a non working TriAxis or know where or how to get a hold of one of these bad boys please get in touch ASAP.. You can write to [email protected] All the best...
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    WANTED: Part for TriAxis (Optocoupler)

    Hey All I'm in desperate need of the below Optocoupler as NO ONE in denmark can get one as a spare part.... So if anyone have a non working TriAxis or know where or how to get a hold of one of these bad boys please get in touch ASAP.. You can write to [email protected] All the best...
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    Octocoupler - LDR P873-13

    Hey All I have an older TriAxis that needs the specific Octocoupler - LDR P873-13 I have so far found this: According to John Marshall at Mesa, it's impossible to undo the phat mod as the main board has a different layout as well. The whole reason they stopped making the TX4 board was because...
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    Mesa Boogie Mark III Simul Class Combo pic

    Here is a little picture of my Mark III Simul Class combo.. I have had a contact build in the back for bias switch, which is awesome.!!
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    Triaxis version with picture and now a problem!!!

    Hey guys... Got the TA going with a 2:ninety tonight... Though I get a very thin and very fizzy sound on LD1 red... As of the above picture I still do not know what version the board is?? Anyone know what could be wrong or have any suggestions on what to try, because I cant use it as it is...
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    Triaxis version with picture and now a problem!!!

    Here's a photo of the board which I also do not know which version is:
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    Triaxis version with picture and now a problem!!!

    Hey guys Read up on most of the pages regarding the Triaxis versions... I have one in the T1600's ending.... It should be version 1.0, but I also see that when powering up, the Preset light shows 2.0.... Dunno what to think... It doesn't flash like I read it would, but just a dimmed light...
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    Tonecontrols on TriAxis is ******

    Hey guys I have a triaxis that sometimes the tonecontrols stop working for a period of time... Might be a fail soldering or something as its only the tone controls and not the rest of the controls... The leds are still working fine, when the controls is "out of order" Any of you ever tried...
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    How to hook up Triaxis with Mark III as power amp

    Thank you for your replys... I know I need a "real" power amp as the 2:ninety, but the money is short atm, so this is the solution I'm looking at atm.... Any other comments or ideas is welcome.
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    How to hook up Triaxis with Mark III as power amp

    so then I would only get the power section and the master volume from the Mark III and nothing else??
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    How to hook up Triaxis with Mark III as power amp

    Hey guys... Well I believe the topic says it all. How can I best possible hook up the Triaxis to my Mark III and use that as a power amp??? Best Villain